Double Bass Pedal?


Oh man, that is hot!!!
Dec 18, 2004
what are some good brand names/specific models to look for? the only one i've heard of is the iron cobra because that's what my friend has. i guess i'm looking for something that has a good sound but is relatively light (in terms of force needed, not weight, hehe :) )
idk man.. you gotta use them before you by them to know how they feel, i agree with tama or dw, altho the Axis are really nice as well, i have the iron cobra, but its all a matter of yur style/feel, opinon.
dont go cheap with double pedals, they are very tempermental. I have a good pair of girbraltar pedals since I have 2 bass drums, but when i had a double bass pedal I had a cheap gibralter, the one thats under 200$ and it was total shit.
yeah, going cheap with musical instruments is lame... i am just starting on drums though. or rather, only recently do i own my own kit, anyway :D

but what exactly is shitty about the cheap double bass pedals? do they break alot? do they take extra force to get going?
Feicht said:
yeah, going cheap with musical instruments is lame... i am just starting on drums though. or rather, only recently do i own my own kit, anyway :D

but what exactly is shitty about the cheap double bass pedals? do they break alot? do they take extra force to get going?

They basically suck in general, the springs are tight as fuck when you get them and once they loosen they go too loose etc. Pearl make excellent double pedals for fairly reasonable prices.