Doug on lead vocals


Sep 17, 2002
Lutherville, MD
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I have been listening a lot to the Blueprint demo recently, and throughly enjoying it. After thinking about it, I really would like for Doug to be lead vocalists on a track or Doug and Ted trading lead for a song. It is no diss on Ted, b/c Ted has the awesome pipes, but for one song I just think it would be cool and different. Listen to the Blueprint demo, Doug can sing. Sorry but I like Journey, Kansas and some Styx, and I really enjoy when Greg Rollie or James Young take the lead. Steve Walsh (circa 70s and early 80s of course:)) is an incredible singer, but it was still great that Robbie Steinhardt sang some lead too. (Anyone check out their DVD Drum Voice Device, it is pretty sweet). Songs like Journey's Just the Same Way are awesome with Perry and Rollie trading lead. I think that format would work like a champ in Enchant.


I actually didn't care for Device Voice Drum

I haven't heard Doug's voice... since I don't have the special edition of "Blueprint"... but that is a cool idea... maybe some tradeoff vocals
ProgMetalFan said:
I actually didn't care for Device Voice Drum

I haven't heard Doug's voice... since I don't have the special edition of "Blueprint"... but that is a cool idea... maybe some tradeoff vocals

I've sang some back up and a few leads here or there. I sing the verses of the song "Break". As well as the verses and harmony on "Bite my Tongue" from Juggling.

I was planning on doing more on "Blink" but my voice was pretty thrashed form being sick. I've been sick for about 3 weeks now as it is. Rotten luck! I'm hoping to do some more stuff on the upcoming CD but we will have to see how my voice is holding up.

jjmannford said:
I have been listening a lot to the Blueprint demo recently, and throughly enjoying it. After thinking about it, I really would like for Doug to be lead vocalists on a track or Doug and Ted trading lead for a song. It is no diss on Ted, b/c Ted has the awesome pipes, but for one song I just think it would be cool and different. Listen to the Blueprint demo, Doug can sing. Sorry but I like Journey, Kansas and some Styx, and I really enjoy when Greg Rollie or James Young take the lead. Steve Walsh (circa 70s and early 80s of course:)) is an incredible singer, but it was still great that Robbie Steinhardt sang some lead too. (Anyone check out their DVD Drum Voice Device, it is pretty sweet). Songs like Journey's Just the Same Way are awesome with Perry and Rollie trading lead. I think that format would work like a champ in Enchant.



Thanks Jim. I to am a fan of the Perry/Rolie team. If I had a stronger voice we would probably do more. My voice is pretty fragile most of the time and next to's hard to sound good. We've sang together for years in cover bands and we sound pretty good together if I can stay in pitch! :ill:

We will see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

Douglas A. Ott said:
I've sang some back up and a few leads here or there. I sing the verses of the song "Break". As well as the verses and harmony on "Bite my Tongue" from Juggling.

I was planning on doing more on "Blink" but my voice was pretty thrashed form being sick. I've been sick for about 3 weeks now as it is. Rotten luck! I'm hoping to do some more stuff on the upcoming CD but we will have to see how my voice is holding up.


Wow, the verses on the song "Break" is one of my favorite "Enchant moments"! DIdn't realize it was you singing... you sound great on those verses! :cool:

Thanks for the info, Doug!
Just a quick note concerning this!

I guess Doug got over that cold because his voice sounds amazing from what I heard last night! Great Job my friend! your doing such a good job with all of this!

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