
Overall I like their first album a lot more than the new one. "Learn From This Mistake" from Down II is an absolutely amazing song though...

However the more I listen to Down II, the more I like it, but I doubt I'll ever think as highly of it as I do of Nola
I liked Nola pretty well the few times I heard it. I have yet to hear the second album, but I'll have to check it out sometime soon. I just checked their site, and it seems they'll be somewhat near me Apr. 29th. I might try to check them out, but it is a 4 hour drive. :(

It seems that they are also playing Ozzfest this year, but I have no interest in spending $100 to see a bunch of nu-metal bands with the exception of a few decent bands.
Down II has a more progressive mood to it. NOLA had its's songs that totally destroyed, but I have not missed one day of listening to "II" since the day it came out.