downer music


Villain of the piece
Dec 19, 2001
Evil lair
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right its 1:30 am ive sobered up and woken up and i aint happy about it. So whats the most depressing music you can think of? And none of yer weeping tears of mourness bollixology either, proper downer music. Right now I'm going for lou reeds "magic and loss" or "street hassle" then the cure circa 17 seconds/faith/pornography. Who else is there?? bowies low is pretty bleak
the god machines "one last laugh in a place of dying" is fairly grim too. Maybe joy division but their stuff has some dark quality that lifts it a bit.
When I want to get really down I listen to yer Mad Season's Wake Up, and tonight I heard this end credit song in Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, James Warren's Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometimes, maybe it's too happy though, I don't remember any more, it still made me go "is it only me who gets this fucking film??!!" at the end as the lights went on and the others were leaving the cinema hall laughing (those who hadn't left earlier), and I didn't know what to do.
Ah, know I hate to agree, but Joy Division and Cure's Faith are most fitting. Under Byen's Om Vinteren and Stille Opprør are contenders.
Oh man. Until Death Overtakes Me gotta be the darkest, slowest, most atmospheric and emotional 'music' ever. It's mostly ambient, but I can't think of any music that can affect my mood so easily as this. After listening to any of this guy's albums I gotta listen to some happy music cos I'd go mad.
And it's not cheesy at all if that's what you think, quite the contrary.
Lots of mp3s here
I don't expect many of you to like it though.
Cerulean said:
Oh man. Until Death Overtakes Me gotta be the darkest, slowest, most atmospheric and emotional 'music' ever. It's mostly ambient, but I can't think of any music that can affect my mood so easily as this.
I fully agree. "Symphony I - Deep Dark Red" is one of my favourite albums. Morgion and Skepticism also create very dark, depressing atmospheres. Gotta love their stuff.
snow2fall said:
I fully agree. "Symphony I - Deep Dark Red" is one of my favourite albums. Morgion and Skepticism also create very dark, depressing atmospheres. Gotta love their stuff.
cerulean said:
Death Overtakes Me gotta be the darkest, slowest, most atmospheric and emotional 'music' ever. It's mostly ambient, but I can't think of any music that can affect my mood so easily as this. After listening to any of this guy's albums I gotta listen to some happy music cos I'd go mad.
ahem what part of "none of yer weeping tears of mourness bollixology either, proper downer music" did yous two not understand??

"Circle slowly in the light of dying summer
Its warmth doesn’t reach you...hanged.

Dream-tears fall frozen in the shadows
Yet, dreamless are now your eyes...dim."

sweet mother of fuck..straight outta the "words for gothic lyrics" bumper pack :ill:

doesnt matter, im listening to GBH and dio now :kickass:
Cerulean said:
It was directed at anyone who knows this :p cos I didn't expect that, he lives in my town and I "know" him personally ("know" cos he tends to prefer not to have any contact with humans :))
I know it too, and have ordered some albums last year from his label (hierophant, beyond black void, solicide, torture wheel & uncertainty principle). I like it, as well as most of his projects. His lyrics are indeed a bit silly, but i can't figure out what he's singing anyway, so that doesn't really matter much to me ;)
Bambi said:
ahem what part of "none of yer weeping tears of mourness bollixology either, proper downer music" did yous two not understand??
You probably haven't listened to the music, you would've noticed that there aren't any vocals in the songs. Those lyrics are just things he felt during the time of writing the songs, that's why they are in the booklet. Well there are a few songs with some vocals but no one can tell what he's actually singing/saying.
And he totally loathes anything to do with gothic, this isn't the same thing.