downer music

This doesn't quite fit here, does a bit, but well. Check out Windermere at , it just keeps on growing on me. Lyrics are a bit t(w)eenish at times, but not total crap and not at all forests of sollitude'ish. Ex: "I give it all, you take some more, And lose it. I build it up, you tear it down, And forget it." "An indication of the silence in your head, when you will open up your mouth, with sleepy eyes and drowning face and simply say, so let's go watch the stars". Dude's voice got a bit on my nerves at first, seemed a bit theatrical, but after a while and hearing im live a couple of times, it's a complete reverse, can't think of a better vocalist right now. Buckley'ish range and real passion or something. Give a go, there's 2 of the songs off their album there, and by a subscription to their newsletter you get access to a top secret site with some 15 demos and live recordings. If you like some of it, you'll like the album, blew me away really.