Downfall solo - Live


Dr. uıʌǝʞ
Feb 6, 2005
In a bubbly head.
There is a crappy video of the talent show where we played Downfall. It's juste the Solo and the part after.

The thing is that after the solo, a cable get unpluged, the rythm fucked a power chord and I fucked 2 or 3 notes on the keys, ALL this at the same times. It's quite funny.

Here's the link: (edited)
(Sorry, the video is big for what it contain, and the video qualities is horrible)

(Ho yeah, and I'm on the keyboard, yeah, the guy that we don't see)
Hmmm, that's not worse than the first concert I played, believe me. :D

It would be cool if the bad muthafuckas tuned their guitars. No offense intended. :p
sorry.. but that doesnt really sound good

but not much worse than my band :D
keep practising
I don't know why a lot of you say that... Was it that bad ? I mean, except the shit part, (and the voice) all other was great (well, I know you didn't see all the video...)

But what was that wrong ?