Another cover vid:D

It´s coming.. but it is going to take a while.. because this time.. we're going to do it with all instruments. Maybe a gig vid or something..
Nisse! Lägg upp en ny länk. Länken är trasig för mig :(

(And Yes, I do know how to speak english :D)
hmm.. verkar mysko.. ska ju funka.. men jag kan lägga upp en ny. (kolla första inlägget i tråden).
Works now. It was pretty good. Too bad you recorded with a fucking cellphone :P I have no problem with the quality of the vid but the quality of the audio suck big time. Get a digital camcorder next time! Or do it more serious with mics and stuff.

Good playin' though. I suck at sweeping so I'm a bit jealous ;)
haha.. thanks:P Yeah I know.. it wasn't a shit serious that's why we recorded with a cellphone:P And next time it's going to be full band