BM bands on the rise . . . or not . . .

J. said:
translation - BAN* is the crap of BM. Yes I agree.

* - opinion based entirely on TWWTG

Deserves to be sigged.

Anyway, based on where they were headed on the fantastic 2005 ep, I suppose we can only get prepared for further amazement from those guys.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I like all BAN I've heard except The Mystical Beast Of Rebellion. I'm really looking forward to the new one.

Don't get me wrong, I love TWWTG, I was just trying to convince J. to get the old stuff.

BTW, I think The Mystical Beast is good, but hard to listen to.
Doom said:
Everyone should check out Alcest's debut EP "Le Secret" released last year. I cannot wait to hear their debut full-length (assuming they'll release one), because if it's anything like the EP it will be outstanding. Definitely one of the most impressive new things I've heard for a long while now.

Nah, I thuoght I would like that EP, it seemed really interesting and all, and I can clearly see what they tried to achive, but I found it pretty tepid. A tired simmering that never reached the boiling point I any way, kind of the same feeling I have for Maiastru Sfetnic
spaffe said:
Nah, I thuoght I would like that EP, it seemed really interesting and all, and I can clearly see what they tried to achive, but I found it pretty tepid. A tired simmering that never reached the boiling point I any way, kind of the same feeling I have for Maiastru Sfetnic

Well each to their own! But personally, that is exactly the style of black metal which I like.
Alcest are pretty good.

Does anyone else sometimes have trouble listening to BM in the summer, when the sun is shining and kids are jumping in the crystal clear pools while the bees are buzzing around the crysanthemums?

It's just weird for me to listen to Black Metal during these times :|.
Susperia said:
Does anyone else sometimes have trouble listening to BM in the summer, when the sun is shining and kids are jumping in the crystal clear pools while the bees are buzzing around the crysanthemums?

No. Then again, I rule and don't let seasons determine my music listening. Me > seasons.

Besides, barring night time, the sun is shining here 90% of the time
It only midly affects me. I will tend to listen to more Power/Speed/Thrash Metal during the warmer months, and I will tend to listen to more Black Metal in the colder. But if this is truly an influence of the climate and not other things, such as school, I really don't know, though it's likely to be at least a small part.
Venom invented Black Metal..... Scottish Metal band Agankast have a strong link to Venom and Black metal... ?

oh yeah and this...
The dangers of one night stands..

1. Dad gives you money :notworthy

2. you go to a show :rock:

3. and get :kickass:

4. smoke some :Smokin:

5. drink half a bottle of jack and see a nice face at the bar :zombie:

6. go back to their place :)

7. wake up the next morning :waah:

8. and :Puke:
Yes, a very strong link. The guitarist of Agankast was in Atomkraft with Tony Dolan, who played the role of faux-Cronos in Venom for a few relatively subpar albums.
Ok, speaking of new black metal, anyone familiar with:


Yay or nay?

All are on the german Eternity records whose only familar release is the Lunar Aurora/Paysage d'Hiver split, which on the other hand was really good.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I guess nobody checked that out?

will do, I missed your first post. The mixture of styles sounds awkward but someone has to open the doors, right?

[edit] this guy is definitely onto something, but he's still in the early stages of making good music. For now, the black metal parts are rather mediocre and poorly mixed, the post-rock parts are decent but hardly memorable, and both styles fail to run smoothly into each other.

I'll be looking forward to further material from this band, nice flying reco, Thanny!