Download of new Metallica song.....


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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ElectricWiz said:
This was posted on Blabbermouth today. A live version of a new Metallica song. Kind of a mix between something off Garage Days (the first), maybe mid-period Metallica.....but old-school too. I like it. And it's heavy. Beware....double bass!

Download here....

Blabbermouth said it would need the password:
but I didn't have to put it in......

The Link doesen't works :erk:


Maybe it was busy, downloading without a problem. :rolleyes:
The song definatly has potential.
Damn, first the new Slayer kicks ass, now new Metallica is looking good? The old Thrashers are finally rediscovering themselves!
I like the fact that kirk is soloing again...and lars is actually using a double kick live...
The sound is crappy but by moments sounds definitively like old school speed/thrash.

I'll not emit more judgements until more material filters out.

NP: Judas Priest - 'Judas Rising'
Sounds much better than anything they have been doing recently. This gives me hope the new album won't be complete rubbish.
sixxswine said:
Rick Rubin has something to work with...

Danallica said:
I like the fact that kirk is soloing again

That's what I was thinking. I'm actually optimistic about the next disc. It's prolly going to be a while before we see it but, eh, whatchagonnado?
^ yeh im pumped for it as well, ive pretty much given up hope that we are yet to see the best of metallica, that was well and truely covered in the 80s. But im goin to try and be more open minded about this one, i remember i barely even gave st anger a chance when it came out.

I heard early next year it may be ready, james or kirk said they have written like 12 songs already, so im hoping say march next year or around then wouldnt be outside of the realms of possiblilites
Well, its a step up from the shit on St. Anger (but then again, could they get any worse than that album?).

It sounds more like something from the Load era which is I did not care for either but was not total crap.

Nice to see the band jump off the 'solos are not that important' bandwagon which they were late on anyways.

However, the problem with this song and prolly what will be the problem with the new album regardless of the possibility of improvement in the music department, is that James' singing is unbearable. His current style which started on the Black album has gotten more annoying with each album and from that new song, it seems to still freakin' suck. So, yeah add some double bass and a guitar solo but once James chimes in, its all down hill. :ill: