Downloading Music

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For a person like me, downloading is beneficial to both the artist and industry.

I download and explore what bands are out there, and therefore am opened up to hundreds of more bands, and subsequently I am easily more likely to buy more albums because I am more aware of quality artists and albums.

Without downloading there goes 95% of the bands I listen to, and a good portion of the albums I own because I wouldn't have even heard of the bands that I do now. And with poor availability, and high costs for albums I am not willing to risk $25-30 on a cd just to check it out.

FUCKING TRUTH. This is my credo. Download a lot, buy a lot. Download really obscure shit, buy it when I see it. Then I delete the mp3s of that CD off my hard drive and keep all the CDs around my desk for easy retrieval.

And I guess this is closed but I'm a mod and I apparently didn't realize it was closed so HA I get the last laugh.

AND, yes, Matt is right...please do not post links to things that allow you to download music for free. If you want hookups, ask PRIVATELY.
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