Downsizing Project Studio


Jul 21, 2009
Hey all

Im in the process of downsizing my studio, I want to start from scratch basically. Im selling off most of my rack gear, and a lot of it has sold so far.

I want to reinvest in a nice compressor, a nice tube mic pre, and possibly a reverb unit.

I sold my ART Pro MPA, my Alesis Quadraverb, and my dbx Compressors...what are the next step up? I'd like to get something solid. I really liked the ART...sounded nice and warm. Any suggestions?

Also, Im using a Pod 2.0 for recording scratch tracks, and I personally don't like it. Any suggestions for a guitar interface?


BTW, if anyone is looking, here is what I am selling. Check out my Reverb page.
There are some significant steps up from ART. I think they are some of the better of the low-end, but I think it is worth investing in a couple nice pieces.

For versatility screw tube pres, I find they have too much character for versatility. I would go either clean clean or a Neve/API flavor. I like the Neve-ish sound for just about everything but plenty like API-ish for everything.

A single compressor... 1176 or a Distressor, maybe API2500.

A good hardware reverb costs some serious $$$ to get out of the prosumer/live arena. Bricasti, upper end Lexicons and such sound amazing. But I think plugs are often more than good enough and beat out the lower-end hardware.

A nice 1176 would be a nice piece to have. I like the Lexicon verbs, pretty awesome. How is Focusrite when it comes down to pre's and comps?
Basically, I just want to have a small rack of gear, if possible, small enough to be able to transport it around.

A nice 1176 would be a nice piece to have. I like the Lexicon verbs, pretty awesome. How is Focusrite when it comes down to pre's and comps?
Basically, I just want to have a small rack of gear, if possible, small enough to be able to transport it around.

And do what with it? Just record guitars? Full drumsets? Mixing? Interface?

Focusrite low-end stuff to me is no better or worse than any of the other lower end stuff. It works, reliable, and gets the job done. I have an Octopre MkII with compressors. It is clean, doesn't fuck anything up and works. But it is delegated to scratch tracks, DI's, and when I need extra channels.

But things don't get good until you get into the ISA and RED series stuff.

Check out the 500 series lunchbox stuff if you want versatility and portability.

If I had a Mac and was starting over, I would take a serious look at the UA Apollo Twin (Mac Only). Or the bigger UA Apollo interfaces. Not cheap by any means and you can use the digital emulations of the hardware that are damn close enough and will destroy just about anything in the budget categories.

If you really must track with EQ,compression check out the Steinberg interfaces, MOTU, and maybe Presonus. Get the basics and they sound fine.

For guitar, I love my Kemper. Can use SPDIF for DI and amp track. Easy DI, profile my real rigs. Sweet.

Yes, more or less, I will be tracking guitars. I may do sample drums and a bass track, but basically, it will be mainly guitars.

I heard a lot about that Apollo Twin...looks pretty wild. The UA plug ins are just as good?

In the end, I would like to invest in a tangible piece of gear...Even though the plugins are nice. Im just thinking in terms of projection. One day when the computers become obsolete and forgotten, I would rather have a unit I can touch, rather than it living inside and iLock. But, on the other hand, I am looking to save some space!