Peavey Rockmaster+Quadraverb or PodXT


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I've been playing for the last couple of years on stage with a Peavey Tube Amp and a PodXT Pro. Last month I bought a Peavey Rockmaster Tube Preamp and a friend of mine told me he has a Alesis Quadraverb that I can buy to him very cheap.

I want some MultiFX for the preamp but I don't know wether is better to use my PodXT as FX or the Alesis. I have tested both - not so much time than I wanted - and results for delay, reverb... are similar. I can't decide. What would you do?
Do you own a Quadraverb?

BTW: Is a fucking hell to program the Alesis or am I stupid?
I would just use the PODxt, the effects are good on them. The gate is pretty good too, the delays and reverbs are fine. I think so anyway.

I have an old Quadraverb for my rig, which is similar to yours. Digitech Twin Tube pramp into Quadraverb into ADA power amp. I love it, but the effects are noisier than I would like, so often I mix them lower than I would like.

Given that you already own the POD XT Pro, I would stick with that. I think the Quadraverb would be more flexible, but in the end you'll end choosing the POD for the sound, which really is the main thing.

By the way, you would have a built in back up for the Preamp in the front end of your POD. Bonus!