DPX Mastering Impulses?


May 7, 2007
I have these DPX (and "Manley") mastering impulses in my impulse folder. Not sure where I got them or what the heck they're supposed to do in terms of mastering.

Anyone have more info on them or do you use them yourselves with good results? If so, can you post an example of when you used it?
You probably got them from http://www.echochamber.ch.

The Manley impulses there are from the Massive Passive EQ. It colours the sound in quite a nice tube-ish way and generally tightens up things. I've used the ManleyNeutral impulse (and others) sometimes on guitar tracks, but never on the full mix. Generally I'd have thought that besides some gentle EQ there's no other use for impulses in mastering, as they can't properly model compressors.