DragonCon and PPUSA


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
I've been at Dragon Con all weekend, and I'm seeing all kinds of booth got me thinking that Progpower should put up a booth at DragonCon, it might bring some new faces to the music since the events are normally about a week apart, might sell some things give out some flyers something.

Anyway who else went to DC11, and for what reasons. Mine are for the Rifftrax/Cinematic Titanic (mst3k) panels, and Dean Haglund (X Files)
I have some friends that go to Dragon Con and they keep telling me to go and I keep telling them to go to ProgPower. Neither one of us will ever go to the other because of the same reasons. Don't have enough money and available vacation time for both.
Dionysus, it only makes much sense if there's a metal concert going on, and even then its usually too late to be worth it. Booths aren't free. If you want, you can print out fliers and leave them somewhere though.
I boycott Dragon*Con. I've heard the registration was a bit easier this year, so maybe I'll give one day a try next year, if there's any panels I want to sit in on. Other than that, your best bet is to flyer or pass out business cards.
I went to DragonCon last year because it was a week before ProgPower, and I had a good time. I almost certainly would have gone this year if the dates had worked out relative to ProgPower, and I will very likely go again in future years if and when the dates wind up being adjacent to ProgPower.
They have always got music acts at DragonCon nothing really worth talking about, but what if there was a band like PowerGlove to play DragonCon then do you think it would be a good idea to put ppusa around that area. I do see normally a lot of Blind Guardian, Seventh Wonder, Iced Earth shirts on people when I'm there. I was just thinking with it being so big that ppusa should jump in there too, would be fun.
I didn't get a pass until Sat so I'm sure that played a big part in it but the whole process literally took me under 10 minutes, line and all....
You guys do know you can buy passes on the website. If you do daily at the hotel I'm sure it does suck, but I don't really know it's never been a problem. it's always better for something like that to buy weekend passes ahead of time, cuts down all the signing in stuff.
You guys do know you can buy passes on the website. If you do daily at the hotel I'm sure it does suck, but I don't really know it's never been a problem. it's always better for something like that to buy weekend passes ahead of time, cuts down all the signing in stuff.

Yes, I know, but if you can only go Sat/Sun it's not worth paying for the entire weekend. I think they finally took the complaints to heart and tried to do something about it. The kiosks apparently helped out, but in the past, they've never allowed day passes to be pre-purchased except for Fri/Sat passes.
I boycott Dragon*Con. I've heard the registration was a bit easier this year, so maybe I'll give one day a try next year, if there's any panels I want to sit in on. Other than that, your best bet is to flyer or pass out business cards.

Pre-Registration was apparently a breeze this year with the new 3-d barcode system -- from an hours-long wait in past years to a matter of minutes. People were saying it took longer to run through the unneeded queue-line stanchions than it did to receive the badge at the end.

At-con registration, with money changing hands there, took a bit longer, but the longest I've heard anyone report was an hour wait, which isn't too bad considering the sheer volume of people.

The two main hotels were secured after 7pm -- D*C badge or hotel room key required for access -- and it did seem a lot less crowded at night, which is a Good Thing.

I had a great time and saw several talented, but not metal, bands.
My feet had less of a good time. :)