
Not yet, but on their website they said they have plans of "playing their first shows in the US". Dude, I thought you were gonna say you had them confirmed for the Minn Mayhem, I almost shit myself.

This band I cannot take serious. They sound is a ripoff of Strato and Rhaps and it is nothing special. So what if they are young, Sonata smokes them. Put a Kamelot/Sonata Tour together and I am there. Jaxx!!

I already want to make it up there BAD so so very bad to see Pyramaze. Ive been friends with Jonah for awhile and unless a miracle happens I dont think I can afford it. Dammit, I'll eternally feel like a bitch for not catching Pyramazes first show in the Us and first show ever.

I can only take so much Dragonforce...

I'm sorry, but hearing their main guitarist shred it for every single song is not a great album in my book. I get it he can play fast, and it's fine on the lead solo's, but do the rhythm sections have to be the same method? *Playing rhythm as fast as they can*. I know it's speed metal...but their debut album was weigh overkill I thought.

They had some good melodies, but it's hard for me to listen to the whole album all the way through without getting tired and feeling like I'm listening to the same song.

To me, they took all that was good of Speed metal and overused it...*shrugs*
I agree Dragonforce is awesome. So what if all their songs are fast and they use similar guitar methods, I would love to see these guys for the simple fact that I think their show would be great. I've seen the video for Valley of the Damned, and the band is having fun the whole time their on stage while playing at an incredible breakneak speed. These guys know their speed metal, and any drummer out there should be impressed with the drum fills their drummer pulls off at these speeds. Simply amazing that he can get through an entire setlist at this tempo. I know many death metal bands do this as well but this music has some real style to it as well IMO. If someone doesn't like them thats fine, but I think their quite impressive and would travel anywhere in the US to see these guys, I hope their plans go through.