

Nov 8, 2005
Hey steve, i just checked out dragonlord for the first time. I like it alot, but are you still a member of the band? the website says you are but it also doesn't list you on the member list. I'm confused.
Well, Keith, let's put it this way.....
I did both the records, as you may or may not know (Rapture 2001, Black Wings of Destiny 2005), but when I joined Nevermore as a permanent member, I told Eric I could not commit to touring on this record with NM's crazy tour schedule that was coming up( we knew by the end of last year, that NM planned on being on the road for 1 1/2 years in support of This Godless Endeavor), and that he may have to get a touring guitarist in my place...
We had this crazy set up that Fredick Nordstrom set up: An Engl PowerBall and a Savage 120, slaved, into an Engl stereo cab, so you had one side with the PowerBall, one side with the Savage 120. That, coupled with Nordtsrom's "mic"( not really his, but he uses this a lot) technique. Glad you like the album man!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I think that "Black Wings..." is probably one of the most under-rated albums to come out in the metal-genre. I think Dragonlord as a band are not getting the recognition they truly deserve cos' the way I look at it is this...

Eric Peterson has been probably the biggest influence on the rhythm style of the Bay-Area or Thrash in general... He's written crazy thrash riffs ever since 84 when he was jamming with Louie and Alex from Testament. As far as the more, truer and more metal side of thrash, he is more significant as James Hetfield. Take nothing away from James' playing or Metallica's music but who's got more guts as a band...Testamnt or Metallica?

Anyways, since Eric has been/still is invloved with thrash's best ever band, most people have the tendency to think that he doesn't go for black metal, death metal or any other genre. Not only does he dive into that stuff, he takes a leap of creativity and makes something that is truly a masterpiece. The fact that he's been invloved with Thrash for such a long time, and to make an amazing Black Metal band as well is truly something genius. Not only does he play guitar, he plays leads and does vocals as well... and for the record, he puts 90% of all black-metal vocalists to shame.

As for Steve... All I have to say that he is a genius. Look at the work he's done with Vicious Rumors, Dragonlord and Nevermore. They're all completely different to one another... He not only does all 3 styles perfectly, he reinvents all 3 styles in the process. When you jam and record at 15, you tend to learn a lot lol...That's why he's my 2nd biggest influence and hero tying with Jeff Loomis.

Hails to Dragonlord and to Steve!!!:worship:
Sorry to revive this thread, but i just bought the black wings album, and so far i have had to pick a log out of my pants twice.....fucking awsome.......Ive always loved nordstroms productions on drums and guitars....he tends to get a very large sound that really lends itself to this kind of music....The songs themselves are phenomenal...Great cd....im happy...really happy