
Aarohi said:
Maybe because creating metal is not as easy as creating, say, pop. You have more tools in your hand in metal compared to any other genre.. the freedom accompanying metal gives it an edge over most other genres to me.

And you're only going to find both empty deserts and rich evergreen valleys only on this very planet.. not on, say, mars. Metal is more equipped, and it having so much variety within it gives room to so much. There's more space for experimentalization, and thats what makes shit bands' existance possible. A sacred lotus can only grow in a swamp.
what makes metal any more flexible than any other genre exactly? you didn't cite anything specific other than some fabled exclusively-metal 'tools'

it's impossible for any one genre to be any more flexible or "easy" than another genre, EVER, simply because there isn't any instrument or idea that can be used in one "genre" and not another

don't forget folks that the word "genre" is simply a DESCRIPTION, not a limitation or set of rules. and the more bands themselves start realizing this is when we start getting an influx of more quality music hopefully, or at least more interesting musical ideas and approaches
Look at it this way:

Pop music can be extremely complicated beneath the surface, with ridiculous amounts of sounds layered over one another, and perfectly polished for mass consumption. It can also be an extremely simple song with just an acoustic guitar and a singer.

Metal can also be extremely technical, hard to play, and crisp sounding, something like Necrophagist. It can also be very simple and have very shitty production, like some black metal bands.

To say one kind of music is easier to create than the other is stupid. It's much easier to create shitty metal than good pop; it's a lot easier go create shitty pop than good metal. Now take the guy from Necrophagist and tell him to create some of these pop songs we hear on the radio and he probably wouldn't know wtf to do. Take these pop producers and tell them to write a metal epic and they would be clueless.
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in_absentia said:
:erk: I like metal! Robbie Williams 95% better than metal??!??!?!!:koiehreltg

:erk: :erk: :erk: :erk:

youre looking at it entirely wrong. hes not better than ALL metal. but theres thousands and thousands of metal bands out there...most of which are absolute shit. unoriginal, rehashed, poorly executed, and immature metal. period. the tier-1 of any other genre will trump 95% of metal. the same way the tier-1 of metal can trump most things in other genres. you guys just need to broaden your horizons a bit if the term "most metal sucks" pisses you off. that means you either have low standards, or havent heard much metal, or havent heard much OTHER than metal. either way...thats a problem and should be rectified.

edit: why do you think guys like Akerfeldt, Garm, and Mirai only listen to a handful of metal bands? and typically theyre ones from the 80s or started then at least? do the math.
biggsy said:
Better than 90% was what w_s said. And really, think of all the trash you hear in metal. I would rather listen to 'Oops I Did It Again' than 'Nazi Punks Fuck Off' by Napalm Death. In comparison I think there'd be more shit bands in metal than most other genres.

nazi punks fuck off was actually written by The Dead kennedy's, Napalm Death just covered it fyi
FRUGiHOYi said:
Look at it this way:

Pop music can be extremely complicated beneath the surface, with ridiculous amounts of sounds layered over one another, and perfectly polished for mass consumption. It can also be an extremely simple song with just an acoustic guitar and a singer.

Metal can also be extremely technical, hard to play, and crisp sounding, something like Necrophagist. It can also be very simple and have very shitty production, like some black metal bands.

To say one kind of music is easier to create than the other is stupid. It's much easier to create shitty metal than good pop; it's a lot easier go create shitty pop than good metal. Now take the guy from Necrophagist and tell him to create some of these pop songs we hear on the radio and he probably wouldn't know wtf to do. Take these pop producers and tell them to write a metal epic and they would be clueless.

illidurit said:
"A sacred lotus can only grow in a swamp."



and i'd like to see you guys write a hook as catchy as 'oops i did it again' or 'i want it that way' or whatever

just because its awful doesn't mean its easy to write
NineFeetUnderground said:
youre looking at it entirely wrong. hes not better than ALL metal. but theres thousands and thousands of metal bands out there...most of which are absolute shit. unoriginal, rehashed, poorly executed, and immature metal. period. the tier-1 of any other genre will trump 95% of metal. the same way the tier-1 of metal can trump most things in other genres. you guys just need to broaden your horizons a bit if the term "most metal sucks" pisses you off. that means you either have low standards, or havent heard much metal, or havent heard much OTHER than metal. either way...thats a problem and should be rectified.

edit: why do you think guys like Akerfeldt, Garm, and Mirai only listen to a handful of metal bands? and typically theyre ones from the 80s or started then at least? do the math.

ok,that's fair enough and i agree to some extent. metal does have alot of shit(i wouldnt say metal has THE most shit, but it does have quite abit). and as for my own listening? i try and stick with what i have. Opeth and Porcupine Tree. works fine for me
Aarohi said:
Maybe because creating metal is not as easy as creating, say, pop. You have more tools in your hand in metal compared to any other genre.. the freedom accompanying metal gives it an edge over most other genres to me.

And you're only going to find both empty deserts and rich evergreen valleys only on this very planet.. not on, say, mars. Metal is more equipped, and it having so much variety within it gives room to so much. There's more space for experimentalization, and thats what makes shit bands' existance possible. A sacred lotus can only grow in a swamp.

Goodness. That and a pre-notioned polarized position. I take that back. :erk:
NineFeetUnderground said:
you couldnt even begin to wrap your head around everything i listen to. so id drop the assumption that i only listen to "catchy music"...whatever the hell that means. Besides, its obvious youre probably more guilty of that than i am anyway...with the nightrage and j-rock and other obvious choices of superficial metal stupidity. And FYI...empyrium are overrated, as are Drudkh. Both of which i was listening to when you were picking your nose in the sandbox after your special ed class.

and yes, the new killers album is "quite good". which is what i said about it. this will be proven elsewhere overtime, i dont need to further defend or express this.

one day, youll realize A) metal is NOT the end all/be all of music. B) its NOT nearly as important or prestigious a genre as you thought. C) most of it is very stupid, cliche, derivitive, rehashed and monotonous. and D) when youve finally been around long enough to soak up enough of it...even the most basic of people can easily lose interest in metal when thats ALL they listen to. so continue to make assumptions and accusations at me...but one day, youll most likely finally "get it". until then...enjoy your ignorance and the teenage bliss it drenches you in.
...I have been gone for a few days, due to not being able to access the internet :cry: But anyway, here is my reply to this predictable NFU rant :lol:

1. I didn't say that you ONLY listen to catchy music
2. I don't only enjoy metal. I would think that would be obvious. Although lately I have been listening to mostly metal.
3. I agree Drukh and Empyrium are probably overrated
4. I am not a teenager, neither do I care if you have been listening to a particular piece of music for a longer time than I have. Saying that, I was around during Mozart's time, and I don't feel the need to brag about being there at his first major concert. Keep in mind, this was when you were not even an inkling in the eye of the beholder etc... Also, you can keep your mortal pop music to yourself... :lol:
metal_wrath said:
...I have been gone for a few days, due to not being able to access the internet :cry: But anyway, here is my reply to this predictable NFU rant :lol:

1. I didn't say that you ONLY listen to catchy music
2. I don't only enjoy metal. I would think that would be obvious. Although lately I have been listening to mostly metal.
3. I agree Drukh and Empyrium are probably overrated
4. I am not a teenager, neither do I care if you have been listening to a particular piece of music for a longer time than I have. Saying that, I was around during Mozart's time, and I don't feel the need to brag about being there at his first major concert. Keep in mind, this was when you were not even an inkling in the eye of the beholder etc... Also, you can keep your mortal pop music to yourself... :lol:

holyshit your not a teenager :erk: