
I'm not so sure. While we are on opinions, I guess whether it is fun or not is a matter of opinion too.
My Man Mahmoud said:
Dude, you listen to Robbie Williams. That pretty much puts paid to all your claims of superior taste.

And heterosexuality, for that matter...

Robbie Williams is better than 90% of metal so stfu
country and metal are hands down the worst genres, taking into consideration the amount of shit bands in the respective genres....imo
FRUGiHOYi said:
imho i think thats true of most genres tbph

yes, most. but considering this is a metal forum...i didnt feel it was necessary to get into how shitty most techno/trance or hip hop or country is, etc.

people here are under the assumption that because i say how awful most of the metal bands mentioned here are...that im a troll...and not that it is really just the reality of the genre.
i think NFU is right here... metal music with a few exemptions is a shame

it's funny how "metal-heads" claim to know what real music is and how honest metal is and everything else is shit... when they are probably listening to the worst ramification rock music has

im sure metal has a great potential, which has been proved on many occassions. Unfortunately, this great potential has been wasted by most metal bands
To me metal is just a word, I don't think anyone could really give a definitive definition of what metal is that is exclusive to any other type of music. If they could I would love to see it. My opinion is that the problem with "metal" and any other type of music is that most musicians really don't have a clue about anything they are doing. When it comes to playing most of them learn a few techniques or phrases but never learn about the big picture. Which is fine if you want to play music in a bar room and do standards of your favourite songs. On the other hand most musicians want to be looked at as composers and despite having little or no expertise in the field or even a broad understanding of what their contemporaries are doing they want to be judged as innovators. When you have a thousands Opeth clone bands, for example, that don't realy get the theory behind what Opeth are doing you end up with bands that not only are not innovative but bands that are doing what they think is homage to their 'heros' badly. I don't particularly believe in any such thing as innovation anyway, but that is another story. Basically what "95%" of bands in general are doing are diatonic variations of I IV V progressions and as long as it "sounds right" they are convinced that they have written a masterpiece. Well of course it sounds right, that is what we in the west are all conditioned to expect. Then again I also believe that music can only be judged by the individual according to thier own sense of aesthtic.
worldwide_suicide said:
it's funny how "metal-heads" claim to know what real music is and how honest metal is and everything else is shit... when they are probably listening to the worst ramification rock music has

yeah and also i love the way that most metal heads validate themselves by declaring that they also listen to led zeppelin or deep purple, so what ever else they listen to must be fantastic aswell.

and how everything without heavy guitars and coarse lyrics is somehow "gay".
Nothinggod said:
To me metal is just a word, I don't think anyone could really give a definitive definition of what metal is that is exclusive to any other type of music. If they could I would love to see it. My opinion is that the problem with "metal" and any other type of music is that most musicians really don't have a clue about anything they are doing. When it comes to playing most of them learn a few techniques or phrases but never learn about the big picture. Which is fine if you want to play music in a bar room and do standards of your favourite songs. On the other hand most musicians want to be looked at as composers and despite having little or no expertise in the field or even a broad understanding of what their contemporaries are doing they want to be judged as innovators. When you have a thousands Opeth clone bands, for example, that don't realy get the theory behind what Opeth are doing you end up with bands that not only are not innovative but bands that are doing what they think is homage to their 'heros' badly. I don't particularly believe in any such thing as innovation anyway, but that is another story. Basically what "95%" of bands in general are doing are diatonic variations of I IV V progressions and as long as it "sounds right" they are convinced that they have written a masterpiece. Well of course it sounds right, that is what we in the west are all conditioned to expect. Then again I also believe that music can only be judged by the individual according to thier own sense of aesthtic.

You pretty much hit the nail spot on the head.
Better than 90% was what w_s said. And really, think of all the trash you hear in metal. I would rather listen to 'Oops I Did It Again' than 'Nazi Punks Fuck Off' by Napalm Death. In comparison I think there'd be more shit bands in metal than most other genres.
Maybe because creating metal is not as easy as creating, say, pop. You have more tools in your hand in metal compared to any other genre.. the freedom accompanying metal gives it an edge over most other genres to me.

And you're only going to find both empty deserts and rich evergreen valleys only on this very planet.. not on, say, mars. Metal is more equipped, and it having so much variety within it gives room to so much. There's more space for experimentalization, and thats what makes shit bands' existance possible. A sacred lotus can only grow in a swamp.
Aarohi said:
Maybe because creating metal is not as easy as creating, say, pop. You have more tools in your hand in metal compared to any other genre.. the freedom accompanying metal gives it an edge over most other genres to me.

And you're only going to find both empty deserts and rich evergreen valleys only on this very planet.. not on, say, mars. Metal is more equipped, and it having so much variety within it gives room to so much. There's more space for experimentalization, and thats what makes shit bands' existance possible. A sacred lotus can only grow in a swamp.

What? Isn't that just a dump of false assumptions, homilies and non-sequiturs?