
hey man:)
mm it's DAMN HOT here in fuckin Greece.just finished my exams at the university,went crappy again,i'm thinking of leaving it..but then i just dont know what i could do having finished only high school..kinda difficult times for me,specially after summer when decisions have to be made..until then:in a few days i've got the fourth gig with my band,it's starting to roll..the demo is out,but the site is yet to get ready-so i haven't given a link yet.in the next few days,weeks the most,promise.
cheers :)
Sucks to hear about the grades and the heat. they'll get better. And as for the band, congrats! My band played our first show on June 3 at my school's talent show. We slaughtered all the other acts. We'll hopefully be playing some more dates this summer. Our demo/CD might get recorded by summer's end as well. What's your band sound like? Mine's a mixture of My Dying Bride, Death, and a hint of Slayer... it brings forth an interesting sound.
hmmm we're called Utmost Contempt,what we play I don't know..technical deathrash or sth.Some bands:Coroner,Cynic,Watchtower,Dream Theater,Nevermore,Death,Symphony X,Pantera,Morbid Angel..dunno,I think we have a pretty personal style actually.You'll listen ;)

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