
Good dude... yourself?

Its winter here, and it's fucking HOT.. it's bizarro... it's over 30 at the moment...

Good for guitaring tho, the fingers aren't frozen up :D

EOR is growing on me... it's on par with Dead Heart, except for maybe the vocals, which get on my nerves...
goin pretty well. got a band that can actually make it somewhere! im loving it. my band might cover What Tomorrow K nows... only one problem. im too lazy to figure it out, and there are no tabs around hahaha. EoR was an instant hit for me. i love it. guess it just takes longer for some people to take it in lol. winter over there? yikes hahaha... its hot as a mofo around here. im waiting for the poles to melt.
WHat tomorrow knows is EASY dude, it's real simple, you should have no trouble at all...

Watch the clip on the EOR DVD, and you can see what position pat does the higher parts :D
Yeah, it's not comlex. Although, my ear for solos is shit. We'll manage. I think I'll try your advice with the WtK video. We're playing at a party I'm having in a few weeks. Gonna be a blast. Alot of people are going to be there. My band gives me chills. CHILLS I SAY! Been so long since I spoke with ya.. you in a band?
cool stuff...

nah, i'm not in a band. The last couple of weeks have been bizarro tho! I've been writing all this music, it just pours out of me as of late...

I've stopped drinking so much, totally stopped drinking during the day, so my chops are back to where they should be :lol:

Nah, not in a band. It'll happen one day, just not yet.
good to write music beforehand. that way it wont take as long to get a band launched off! just get some drums and bass added to it, get some lyrics thrown down... BAM, just get them to learn the parts. or you can always move to NJ and be the lead guitarist in my band :lol:
Trapped you live in Brissie don't you? I moved down this year. We should make our own super-metal-band. I've only been playin guitar for 5 or 6 years but I usually cram in a few good hours of practice every day. Ha ha too bad my 15 watt Peavey Rage 158 piece of shit doesn't stand up too well live.

Fuck being poor. That has relevance here because if I wasn't living like a homeless person I could buy some decent equipment and actually get my arse in to a band like I've wanted to for the last few years.

Fucken shit.
He's not only been here longer than you, but is a premium member.

Meaning he can complain and get away with it.

" know so much about nothing at all!!!"

Trapped...Check out Hellwitch ...if you haven't heard them already

Tech Death (I think)
Sounds like old Death with traces of new Death
I may know so much about nothing at all, but there's more than enough people complaining about the production, and I don't give a shit who's been here longer or who has more posts, or who is paying for membership. I've been on these boards for a while. Just because I don't feel like posting in every pointless thread that comes through here merely to add to my post count doesn't mean I can't point out that virtually everyone has complained about the production. Myself included, but more than 2 months after EoR first leaked, nobody needs to hear it anymore. :Spin:
EoR produciton sucks! i joined before you! i have more posts! aaaahahwhw32h4hrhahaha!! i rool and you drool!! hahahwhahhqhah2hahahah2@!!!!!

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