Dream band?


Mar 27, 2002
Santiago, Chile
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I know this is childish, but imagine what music
could come from a band with:

Vocals & Guitars: Mikael Åkerfeldt
Bass: Steve DiGiorgio
Drums: Danny Carey
Main Vocals: Anneke van Giersbergen or
Ann Marie Edvarsen or
Liv Kristine or all of them :)

Vocals & Guitars: Mikael Åkerfeldt
Bass: Lars K. Norberg
Drums: Sean Reinert
Main Vocals: Ihsahn

Of course this topic occured before...but who cares...here we go:

Guitars: Jon Nödtveidt ( Dissection )
Guitars: Alexi ( Children of Bodom)
Acoustic Guitars: Jesper Strömblad ( In Flames )
Drums: Janne Sarenpää ( The Crown )
Keyboards: Tuomas ( Nightwish )
Bass: Oli Pekka Laine ( Ex - Amorphis )
Female vocals: Tanya ( Ex - Lullacry )
Clean male vocals: Dan Swanö ( Nightingale )
Growls: Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth )
Lyrics: H.I.M. ( :p )
Roadies: James Hetfield, Gene Simmons, Mick Jagger..
Booze Organisation: Sentenced
Security: Cannibal Corpse
The one who gets the money: Iceheart
vocals: akerfeldt and mackrory
lead guitar: petrucci
second part guitar: akerfeldt
rhythm guitars: samoth
bass: myung
heavy drum/double bass: trym
jazz drum: carter beauford
piano: ben folds
Vocals: Akerfeldt
High vocals: Daniel Heimen (Lost Horizon)
Bass: Tchort (Emperor)
Lead guitars: Jon Nodtveidt (Dissection)
Other Lead Guitars: Alexi Laiho (Children of Bodom)
Rythem guitars: Luca Turilli (Rhapsody
Drums: Ted Kirkpatrick (Tourniquet)
Piano/keyboards: Janne Warmen (Children of Bodom)
main brutal vocals: mikael stanne
main clean vocals: mikael akerfeldt,vortex
clean back vocals: mikael stanne
lead guitars : mikale akerfeldt
rthym guitars: erkekjetter silenoz
bass guitars: johan faifalla
drums : may be lars ulrich -shit man
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
Saturnix, you do realzie samoth does hardly anything, and live he is so icrediblly low in the mix you cant even hear him, Isahn runs the show in that band.

i know. i'm thinking about changing it
Vocals: Attilla Scihar (Aborym, ex - Mayhem)
: Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
: Eric Adams (Manowar)
: Phil Figari (H.O.S.T.I.L.E)(I've gotta be in this band!)
Guitar: Ihsahn (Emperor)
: Mickael Ackerfeldt (Opeth)
Bass : B-War (Marduk)
Keys : Sverd (Arcturus/Kovenant)
Drums:Hellhammer (Mayhem)
Vocals Harsh - Mike Å (Opeth)
Vocals Clean - Speed Strid (Soilwork)
Guitar - Daniel Gildenlöw (Pain Of Salvation)
Guitar - Tony MacAlpine (Planet X)
Bass - Johan DeFarfalla (Ex-Opeth)
Piano - Kevin Moore (ex-Dream Theater, Chroma Key)
Drums - Danny Carey (Tool)

That's just one of my "dreambands", but still, that band would rule :headbang:
Vocals: Daniel Gildenlöw (Pain of Salvation)
Guitars and backing vocals: Mikael Åkerfelt
Bass: John Muyng (Dream Theater)
Guitars: John Petrucci (Dream Theater)
Keyboards: Sverd (Arcturus)
Drums: Hellhammer (Mayhem,Winds...)
Frank Zappa > Lead Guitar/Vocals/Madness
Sir Proscriptor McGovern > Percussion/Vocals
Steve Von Till > Guitar/Vocals
Grutle Kjellson > Bass/Vocals
Isahn > Guitar/Keyboards/Vocals
Christina Scabbia > Vocals
Jeff Loomis > Guitar
Terry Bozzio > Percussion/Additional Madness
Mike Patton > Vocals/Even More Madness
Eicca Toppinen > Cello
Steve Wilson > Guitar/Piano/Vocals
Napoleon Murphy Brock > Alto and Tenor Sax/Vocals/Yet More Madness
Ian Anderson > Flute/Vocals
Aaron Stainthorpe > Vocals
Ike Willis > Guitar/Vocals/Madness Ike Style
Jean Luc Ponty > Violin
Steve Vai > Guitar/Need I Say Madness?

sure Frank's dead, but i can always dream. . .