Dream Evil/Labyrinth/Power Quest

If you spot a guy in a Power-Metal.co.uk T-Shirt come request a beer, that goes for all you guys. Haha, just make sure the guy in the shirt is me first or some slaps you may get...
A great turn out last night and it was cool to see a lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Hello's to Errol and Jo, Eagle and Dragonmaiden + Jono and ManofEarth whom i was meant to meet upstairs in the pub but lost 'em .. sorry guys it was a bit busy up there :erk: also Charlie and Karen from Total Rock, Steve Williams and the guys (of course), Lyndsey and Mrs (and baby who will be appearing soon :D ), Tom from Total Carnage and Filthee the forum Dweller and everyone else i said hello to... too many conversations to be had in such a short time unfortunately.
Dream Evil rocked big style ... :worship:
Aye, absolutely bloody excellent night, I've never banged my head quite so much... Shame twas so busy upstairs mate or that pint would have been yours... We went for some food instead...
Remind me in Grimsby lads!