Dream Evil news.

Yeah, I was totally right.

TTENTION, attention! Even though the Ragnarok Festival was cancelled, Korpiklaani will still perform in The UK on November. The gig will take place at The Underworld, Camden, London on 05.11. See the gig list and the club's homepage for more info.
Holy bollocks they're supporting Dream Evil!!!! :O

Oh feck! Now I'm ever more bloody pissed off the Ragnarok thing got cancelled!

That's it...I'm going to that gig. Se you there Ton you lucky bastard
You're well and truly the most biggest phag ever Ton :mad:

Not in a homosexual way of course, as that wouldn't be a problem sorta thing... But you're a very bad person, and i hope each band member spits in your eye! Twice!

Or something like that...

*whistles innocently*

Terrible thing that green eyed monster i hear...
Yes Dom, I'm using my spare memory card, which works. I'll get the photos up tonight for ya :D

Chris, If you're asking me out, sorry to disappoint you; you're a lovely fella, but I'm not homosexual. :lol: :lol:
Feck I missed the last train. Just got the nightbus home, its 1pm33.

Awesome gig. THe new dream Evil drummer has filled snowy's shoes with tremendus oopmh!

My photos actually survived. Pics to be uploaded for you all when my eyes have stoped bleeding: Right now I need sleep.
That was a kickass show. Both bands were excellent, and the new DE lineup is as good as ever. The crowd were great too. I've never seen the Underworld so packed.
And I saw you outside Ton. I was the skinny guy in the PQ shirt (I only seem to ever have one clean shirt when I go to gigs lol). I was standing a few people behind you down the front as well.