Dream Evil news.


Cutthroat Crusader
Sep 1, 2004

A post here explaining band's lack of updates.


Sunday, November 05, 2006
From 20:00 Adv £ 11.00


Taken from the Underworlds site :D

I totally think we should have a replay of "Ginger Monkey's 30th Birthday," with Dream Evil and Power Quest back at The Underworld!

What do you reccon Steve?
My sister's birthday is the 13th November, what a coincidence! I already got her two tickets for her.... and myself... Nothing like a present you can both enjoy :rofl:
I was just about to say I'll definitely be there...but I have no idea now. It is the day after Ragnarok, and I'm not sure if I'll go to that or not. It'll probably have to be one or the other, or a helluva weekend travelling!! Either way, I will see Dream Evil that weekend!!
SiliconMessiah said:
If you go to Raggers, then flying is probably best, im hopefully flying cardiff to glasgow for only £30 which is rather nice!

That's if planes arn't still fucked and you have to check in 8 hours early for everyone to have full cavity searches -_-
Dream Evil's website is back up, although still badly organised :D

Managed to get this off their tho:

News |19/08/2006

Release dates for the coming album UNITED

GERMANY / AUSTRIA / SWITZERLAND / BENELUX: Friday, October 13, 2006.
UK / FRANCE / SPAIN / DENMARK / NORWAY / REST OF EUROPE: Monday, October 16, 2006.
FINLAND / SWEDEN / HUNGARY: Wednesday, October 18, 2006.
ITALY: Friday, October 20, 2006. (tbc.)
USA: Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So the album is called "United" then. :D

Also, their only two confirmed gigs for this year are Ragnarock (Scotland) and The Underworld (Camden - London).. not even any gigs in native Sweden!