Dream Of Mirrors

This is a killer song. I would love to do it....but I have two problems with this song.

1. It would easily be one of the hardest we have ever done instrument-wise.

2. It is asking too much of the singers. I know Jim is frustrated to an extent that we don't pick songs they can do. This one is over the top. It is hard enough to sing Bruce's songs....and in this songs case, I haev read interviews where even Bruce himself admits this song was harder than hell for him to sing well.

However, if everybody else is game, I am down for the challenge. It would be cool to actually get 3 guitar players to sign up. :grin:
at last someone is thinking of us singers!

You guys can do it as a Karaoki, and if I can pull off the vox, I will. Don't do this one expecting a vox track however.