Dream Theater: Black Clouds & Silver Linings

Pretty much what you just said was "blah blah blah I don't like complicated music".

Dream Theater can shovel 12 gallons of shit into a coke can and still make it taste good.

Haven't heard the album yet though.

ive yet to hear a dream theater album that didnt sound like gallons of shit
^You are helpless then..

Well I have been listening to the album and its growing on me. Fantastic album!
Pretty much what you just said was "blah blah blah I don't like complicated music".

Dream Theater can shovel 12 gallons of shit into a coke can and still make it taste good.

Haven't heard the album yet though.

This post reeks of fanboyness, as well as a bit of misinformation.
The Count of Tuscany and A Nightmare to Remember are pretty good but I'm disappointed that they have to use their old riffs to make a song.
Well, it's supposed to tbe wrapping up the 12-step saga, and that is why we receive the old riffs; they are supposed to symbolize redemption, and a way of reflect on things past. That being said, i agree that the Shattered Fortress is a pretty dry and uninspired song.

I think this new album is one of DTs weakest efforts; aside from A Nightmare to Remember and the Count of Tuscany (which rules), the other tracks lack that substance DT so often carries around.

I am a huge DT fan, but i'll have to admit that i'd place this CD with "Failing times Infinity" and "Octavarium", unfortunatelly. Otherwise, i think all the remaining DT albums are pure gold scraped from the deepest mine of California!

One of my alltime favourite bands, ever!
It's definitely the worst work I've ever heard from a progressive band..definitely it ended up killing any respect i had left for them.

it just can't be more cheesy and cursi.
The guitar part in "the best of times" at 1:48 is really annoying me, because its so very familiar. Have I heard it in another Dream Theater song? Or is it really, as i suspect, stolen from the Metal Gear Solid 2 soundtrack, less likely though that is?
I havent heard this album yet and I don't know if I'll bother to. It's obvious to me that they've lost it after ToT. Even that album had some flaws, but was way better than Shitctavarium and Systematic Nonsense.
Pretty much what you just said was "blah blah blah I don't like complicated music".

Dream Theater can shovel 12 gallons of shit into a coke can and still make it taste good.

Haven't heard the album yet though.
What don't you understand? You make the assumption, that based on my opinion of the new DT, that I don't like complicated music? And you think that DT are complex? Proof to me that you really haven't listened to much music man. And the word "shit" is a metaphor in my previous opinion. OK get it? Talk about taking something simple and making it complicated, wtf?
dream theater...used to love them when i was 18. now, i cant even bother myself to go find a download link for their new album. gave up on them after hearing the total wankfest called "train of thought". i just cant forget that speed-of-light solo by petrucci on one of the final tracks.

is it just me?