Dream Theater Recommendations?


I came across a new copy of DT's debut disc for $8.99 & also picked up Images & Words. Now I have previously owned Images & Words & loved it. I haven't really heard anything since that disc. "Pull Me Under" is one of the best progressive metal that I have ever heard. Any recommendations on other stuff from them that's worth a spin?:p
Well, Images and Words is one of my all time favorite albums. Every second of it is spectacular. If you are looking for a little heavier sound, check out Awake. I think it's their most unique sounding album, and it seems to have a sort of love/hate relationship with most fans. Scenes from a Memory is definately their most creative album. It flows great and has some awesome songs, but I actually think it's somewhat over-rated (when compared to the rest of their catalogue). This might just be because I'm not a huge fan of Jordan Rudess' keyboarding. He's talented, but in some songs he just seems to be all over the place without much sense of melody. Despite that, SFAM is still a must own.

Oh yeah, you might want to pick up A Change of Seasons. IMO, it's one of the best composed songs of all time.

Hope that helped.
Just buy some Vanden Plas >:P~ These three VP releases, The God Thing, Far Off Grace, and Beyond Daylight aren't unlike DT but they are more song based in their writing as opposed to musical masturbation which DT does a good bit of.

I started out with Images & Words because I had heard the song "Pull Me Under", since then I have listened to everything they have put out. Some discs need to be listened to more than once to realize all that is going on, but I think they are awesome and amazing musicians.
Wicked Child said:
I say get Scenes From A Memory next, then Awake and then Six Degres Of Inner Turbulence. In that order.

I agree with getting Scenes as your next album, maybe you should just buy the DVD Live Scenes From New York. It's a great show from that tour where they play the whole album and then some.
I agree with getting scenes from a memory next (scenes 2 & 3 are my favourite off that album) A change of seasons is my fave DT song but i only really like the album for the first track cos the rest are covers. The DVD is amazing too.
Scenes From a Memory and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance are good choices. Scenes is a bit harder to get into and requires repeated listenings to really enjoy it. I find Six Degrees to be more accesible, plus it's a 2 disc set.
Wicked Child said:
I say get Scenes From A Memory next, then Awake and then Six Degres Of Inner Turbulence. In that order.
Yes. Scenes is one of the greatest concept albums Ive ever heard, and Awake has so many killer tunes it's not even funny.
If you still want more after that, definately go for SDOIT.
Well Scenes From A Memory is my favourite album closely followed by Images And Words. It hs a very interesting concept to it, and is wildly creative.

A Change Of Seasons is my favourite song. Ever. But I wouldn't consider it an album, has The Big Medley on it though, an awesome cover tune (Pink Floyd, Kansas, Queen, Journey, Dixie Dregs, Genesis).

Awake is their heaviest yet, and I love the album, but sometimes I feel like they're trying to be more metal than they are.

Falling Into Infinity, was the producer's blatant attempt at radio success. It has some awesome tracks (Lines In The Sand, Trial of Tears, etc) but it has a lot of filler.

Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence is too long. I love long songs, but The Glass Prison would be one of their best songs if they cut out the chorus, and all that sample shit, and that riff towards the end that repeats for aaaages.

By the way, Dream Theater are my favourite band...