Dream Theater

Dec 8, 2003
What´s DTs Awake album like? Is it good? I´ve heard complaints about the guys vocals...Does he do like power metal vocals or some shit like that? I hate those more than anything (almost)..
havent heard DT,so I was thinking to order
DT - Awake
Nightingale - The Closing Chronicles
I hear your words..I would really liketo hear what other Opeth fans think...If I go to a DT forum and ask those people, they will ofcourse say it´s grat, cause thay are dT fans...
I can't stand the vocals anymore. Musically it's a very good band, and if they play instrumentals I really like their sound. But this James LaBrie... well, it's one of these theatrical power metal vocalists. If you love Mikael's growl, you'll have surely have problems with these vocals, as well.
Fuck...I mean I reeeaally hate that kind of vocals...But I think I´m going to give it a go..Besides, the cd´s not that expensive, only 7,95€ which is cheap in Finland atleast..
Hope that it´s not too bad...But I know that usually if I hate the vocals on an album, it can really fuck up everything for me...
Yonder said:
I can't stand the vocals anymore. Musically it's a very good band, and if they play instrumentals I really like their sound. But this James LaBrie... well, it's one of these theatrical power metal vocalists. If you love Mikael's growl, you'll have surely have problems with these vocals, as well.

I agree
To me it's the music that's the problem these days. LaBrie's vocals can get annoying sometimes, but most of the time they're fine to me.

Awake is one of their best albums...the last 4 songs on it are probably the best they've done. Anyone saying that Dream Theater is just senseless wankery needs to listen to Space-Dye Vest.

If anyone were to say that their music is senseless wankery these days, no matter how many chucky riffs you cover it in...I would most definitely agree. Train Of Thought wore out its magic, just like Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence.

But sure, go ahead and order Awake, and definitely The Closing Chronicles.
I bought awake. I hate it. The last song is the only one I care for. It reminds me of something out of the 80's I dunno why. Get train of thought. That album rips!! \m/
I used to love Scenes From A Memory, I bought it together with Blackwater Park right after Christmas of 2002. At first I only slightly enjoyed BWP and was CRAZY about SFAM... then I slowly got more and more into Mikael's growls and Opeth's music. After hearing MAYH, Still Life, and Edge of Sanity's Crimson/Crimson II, I can't say that SFAM is even a great metal concept album anymore. The story's stupid, the vocals are ridiculous. I don't know why I can't stand LaBrie's vocals, I even enjoy Hammerfall sometimes.

And guys, listen to LaBrie on the Live Scenes From New York CD/DVD if you wanna hear bad. They make the album look like fucking gold.
OK, JLB is not the best vocalist in the entire universe, but I think you guys are being a bit too harsh on him, and I think the reason is cause he happens to be in a band where all the band members except him are absolutely top at their instruments, every one of them in the top 10 worldwide at least.

Of course, it's all subjective, and I think JLB is a good vocalist, he has technique, and he is constantly improving (get some bootlegs and hear the steadily improving vocals from 1995 to 2003). I really like his voice on the DT studio albums and on his side projects (JLB solo, Frameshift, Leonardo), but I definitely agree he is a lot worse in concert. He can be downright terrible sometimes, but a few precious times he is as good, if not better, than on the studio albums.

Awake is an amazing album, I used to be madly in love with it, almost as much as with SFAM, but as with most albums i was ever in love with, I played it so much that I got burned out on it. I hate it when that happens cause I have to take about 6 months of not listening to that album to be able to listen to it again without getting bored within 10 seconds cause I know it so well. This sadly has happened to me with every DT album so far except Train of Thought.

Train of Thought is amazing. Incredible. I love it. I think it's DT's best work. There are only a couple of moments in the entire album that I don't care for, some mindless shredding in a couple of songs and some dragging in the beginning of ITNOG, but otherwise it's bloody amazing. It goes from almost mainstream metal (As I Am) to an insane thrasher a-la Glass Prison (This Dying Soul) to catchy "pop" metal (Endless Sacrifice) to classic DT brilliance (the rest). I'm glad I'm not tired of the album yet, but I've only had it for a few months and I don't listen to it all that often to delay getting tired of it.

Regarding Nightingale, I think they are a great band but their albums are a bit short, especially The Closing Chronicles (around 41 mins), and I know I get annoyed when an album is under about 55 - 60 minutes cause I feel I'm getting ripped off when I pay the same for an 80 minute album (most prog albums are this long). This doesn't mean that musically it's not good, actually all Nightingale albums are excellent, and The Closing Chronicles has the best songs on it. I dunno, if I were you I might wait around for Nightingale to release some sort of a boxset with the entire Breathing Shadow series. Oh, keep in mind that The Closing Chronicles is Part 2 of the story, but it doesn't really matter cause it's not like you're getting anything spoiled, I don't follow the story all that much anyway.

Beer DOES rule.
He's fucking annoying. He doesn't know what the word restraint means...much like the band itself. However, I own and enjoy both 'Scenes' and 'Awake', minus the vocals.

Oh, and LTE rocks.
Awake is an amazing cd. Every single member just kicks ass at their instrument. James Labrie is a good singer. On Awake he trys for a more, shall we say, "darker" voice, which Labrie will nver be known for. But his vocals on Awake are good, and he is a very good singer.

Myung = God :worship: