Dream Theater?


Jun 26, 2006
I know this is generally a more BM and DM oriented board, but I thought I'd ask your guys opinion on good ole DT. Personally, my favourite band ever, and John Petrucci is my favourite guitarist ever. Some people accuse him, or the band in general of being "ports" (eg moronic Alexi Laiho), but if you listen to a song like "The Spirit Carries On" and say there is no emotion in it, you must be deaf. Thats why I love them so much, they mix great emotion with technicality, and they're just generally catchy as hell and enjoyable, Images & Words is one of my favourite albums ever. Anyway, thoughts?
i guess i like some of their stuff..."a change of seasons" is a pretty great song. i think i liked the song "metropolis" too.
I like them but they do a little to much wankery for my taste.
also they do to much classic rock/blues style parts, i prefer my technically profficient music to lean more classical.
still though, dt is a good band and im glad they seem to do ok for themselves, i saw them in maine and basically the whole crowd was pumped to see them which i didnt expect.
The Glass Prison is awesome, The Spirit Carries On is beautiful. I like the Scenes From A Memory album, but I find most Dream Theater stuff to be overly long and wanky.
One of my very favourite prog bands. I dont like nearly all the stuff tho. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance and Image and Words are my favourites.

I actually love LaBriens voice, one of my favourite aspects of the band. Also I find their ballands alot better than rockish stuff. Disappear is probably the best ballad ever written.
Labrie vocals annoy me but they have some good tracks. My advice, if you buy an album u have to suffer through a lot of garbage, just get the good stuff: see

Dance of Eternity
One Last time
Overture 1928
Pull me Under
Caught in a Web

a good burn album right there
Labrie vocals annoy me but they have some good tracks. My advice, if you buy an album u have to suffer through a lot of garbage, just get the good stuff: see

Dance of Eternity
One Last time
Overture 1928
Pull me Under
Caught in a Web

a good burn album right there

I'll check that list out. I've given these guys a chance and the only interesting part (IMO) is the random wankery. Their wanking skills are high, but their ability to write a tasteful song seems weak. I'll check out all those tracks before I totally erase them from my world. Also, this is a strange band to talk about on the woods forum… Woods having strong songs with a low ratio of unnecessary wankery. Here’s a better topic, doom, gloom, and other random gothic shit. Talk amongst yourselves. :Shedevil:
^Ih, doesn't hurt to bring in some different ideas personally. Definitely check out the song Voices if you're interested in a song thats brilliantly written, and doesn't have much wankery and what not.