Dreaming Neon Black Review


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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I found this review and I thought everyone would have a fun time with it. So here it is:
"I gave this CD another chance (after hating it the first time) and noticed it's better than I thought; but still, why did this CD get such great reviews? I heard things like this was the best metal CD of the year. These people really need to listen to more stuff then, because this is just good American metal. It resembles KoRn and other crappy bands a lot. First off, they use diminished 5th chords! WHY? I mean they strum them, like KoRn do; they don't use them correctly like good bands like Nocturnal Rites and Angra; they practically try to sound bad! Just try it now, play a C and F# at the same time on a keyboard or something. Nasty, eh? In fact, hundreds of years ago, they were illegal to use. Okay, the CD isn't totally bad; there are some good riffs, lyrics, and vocals. I like a lot of the slow songs when Warrel Dane's voice has lots of emotion in it. Anyway, it is basically recommended for people that like to listen to aggressive sounding heavy stuff, not musical melodic stuff. Yeah, it's heavy and aggressive, and I like that, but musically it's just about average. Actually, the slow songs are downright boring after a while. Well if you don't already have this CD (and you probably love it) order it if you're in the mood for aggressive metal."
Yep. The guy still gave it a 7/10, but he called it hardcore metal?
Korn riffs? :lol: Now, Mudvayne, THOSE are some Korn riffs! :Puke: Just heard some song of their's on the radio this morning. It sounded like Korn w/ the guy from Linkin Park singing... Sounds like a snobby asshole reviewer anyways. "If it isn't musically perfect then it's just no good." :rolleyes:

he said it was better on the second listen .. now if only he would've realized with giving it several more it could keep getting better :rolleyes:

sounds like KoRn?? hahaha!
Where the hell does he get KoRn from?? Nevermore is aggresive hardcore now??What the Fuck, is this guy a tourist from Ecuador or something?
Finntrol is awesome by the way. I endt måskr et prok hjildskalf!!!