Dreaming Neon Black


Master Exploder
Finally got me hands on a copy of this today, and am currently enjoying my first listen. My girlfriend bought it for me (what a top chick! :D) after months of me only having "Dead Heart In A Dead World".
It's official, I'm a HUGE Nevermore fan!! :D

...oh, and this is my first post in this forum, hi all!
Or get the very first album,or "In memory".That's a great mini CD also.Only 5 tracks but they rule.
I can play a fair amount of Nevermore on the guitar. About 75 to 80 percent of each album I own (all except In Memory).

The only hard part are Jeff's solos. The only ones I have figured out fairly decently are 'This Sacrament' (because it was tabbed on the site) and 'Narcosynthesis'. I've been working on 'Inside Four Walls', 'The Heart Collector' and 'The Engines Of Hate' as of late.

It only gets difficult because I have a 6 and Jeff plays them on a 7.
I play all of 7TOG(solo too, maybe not right on Jeff, but damn close), This Sacrement(solo too) Tiananmen Man(and solo). I play a lot of parts of all the other songs on PoE, All of the song PoE, well all but that progressive part in the middle.. I play all of Beyond within, What tomorrow Knows. And yeah,,im haveing trouble with some of the new one due to 6 string. I have all their cd's but I play nothing on In Memory. I play bits and pieces of all cd's but IM.

GGI>>>Thanks dude, but dont envy me, just look at the tabs at Goddamn and SilverWulfs page. Those tabs will open up jeffs style for you. That and practice. YOu can do-it.