dreaming neon darkspot!!! you just had me laughing my ass off!!!!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
ha ha ha ha!!!! The Elbib!!!!! he he he. It's hilarious!!!! I especially like the part where Mary tells God they are like superheroes but w/out the tights, then God shows her his tights, then she flips him off. AHH HA HA HA HA!!!!!! And then, when they're trying to think of a name for Jesus "Oh Jesus Christ, what can we name him?" "That's it! Jesus Christ!" AHH HA HA HA HA!!!!!! And then, Jesus just HAPPENED to be born on Christmas, what a nice suprise!!!! AHH HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! I just came to the library. I've been at home reading your letter and the Elbib!!!! Very funny!!! It should be published!!!!!!!!
You like the Elbib?Great!It's hilarious:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll tell Amos that you liked it,she'll be pleased.Feel proud,you are the FIRST person outside of Maryland to read that.Yeah,I thought that the part about the superhero tights was VERY funny.Only someone like "Famous Amos" could write that stuff.I have to send that to more ppl...I'm just not sure if they'd appriciate it:rolleyes:
It would be funny to everyone except True Light, Sombre Oracle, and Nocturnal!!!!!!!!!he he he. It is VERY funny and tell Amos that she's got a great knack for comedy! I mean, I was sitting there reading it, and it seemed like it sould be a movie!!!!!!!
There are just some ppl on this forum who don't appriciate my views,I guess.If Sombre Oracle doesn't like my writing thenhe probobly wouldn't enjoy Famous Amos's either.Yes,the Elbib should be made into some type of movie.Amos's so good at writing comedy b/cuz she uses a lot of real stuff in her stories and makes fun of them-hence the source of many of our inside jokes.