Drinking Games Anyone???

Well what games do you guys play???
I myself play a fucking great game called KING CUP!!!
get a big cup in the middle between a shitload of friends with cards around the cup. you each pick up a card taking turns and basically do what the card says.

1=Deligate drinks to anyone (the number of drinks the card says)

2=Deligate drinks to anyone (the number of drinks the card says)

3=Deligate drinks to anyone (the number of drinks the card says)

4=Deligate drinks to anyone (the number of drinks the card says)

5=Deligate drinks to anyone (the number of drinks the card says)

6=Piss card, Can only do a card with this card

7=7's Game you go around in your group saying,1,2,3,4 etc. once it gets to a 7 number or a multiple of 7 you have to clap if not DRINK!!!

8=Rule Card, make up any rule affecting the whole group like cant say each others names etc.

9=Thumbs, This means when you get this card you can hang onto it and when you want you put your thumb on the table the last person to catch onto you doing this has to drink/

10=Heads exactly the same as thumbs but you have to put your hand on your head instead.

Jack=Watefall, this card is the best! everyone starts drinking at the same time, the person next to the person who gets the card can only stop drinking once he/she has finished and so on.

Queens=Question Card, hang on to this card, anytime during the game ask someone a question and they ahve to answer it with a question if not DRINK UP!

King=4 king cards in a pack, everytime someone picks up this card they have to pour there drink into the middle cup (king cup) 1 1/4 each time. Last person who gets the card has to SKULL the whole cup hahaah

well guys tell me some other great drinking games!!!
lol yeah i know a game of that sort with cards.

i also know one with two di (fuck i dont know how to spell "dice" in the plural form :p), i'll just say "dices" even if its wrong.

The game is called Biscuit (i dont know if thats how we spell it in english.. pronounce it like Bizkit.. you know.. cookie), here is how it goes:

so you're in a circle around the table with some vodka orange or whatever (but it cant be beer or wine, its gotta be some strong alcohol mixed with some fruit juice... cause its better that way! ^^)

so the one who starts is the dude who got the highest number with one dice, then it goes clockwise around the table, one by one, with two dices..
once the glass is finished you fill it up again, but its gotta be finished before you fill it up again..

-first if you throw double numbers (which means two 1s, two 2s, two 3s [...] two 6s) you can distribute the equivalent number of sips to anyone (2 to 6 sips). like if you get a double four, you can give 2 sips to "george", 1 to "sally" and 1 to "mohammed" :p. but if its a double 1, the guy who threw the double 1 has gotta finish the cup (weither its full or almost empty... tuff luck)

- if the addition of both numbers makes a 7, everyone yells "Biscuit" with his fist closed and thumb to the forhead... the last one who finished doing that drinks a sip. if someone misscounted (thinking it was a 7 when it wasnt) and said Biscuit with his thumb on the forhead, he drinks a sip... a thing i like to do is purpusely do it when it doesnt make a 7, and many people (in the excitement of the situation) do it too, so they all gotta take a sip too (cause there wasnt a 7).

-if the addition of both numbers makes an 11, the guy after you drinks a sip.
-if the addition of both numbers makes a 9 the guy before you drinks a sip.

-if you throw the dices and one of them is a 3, you are the "Biscuit" and each time a 3 is thrown you gotta drink a sip (i dont me an addition of two dices which make 3, i mean a dice which is a three). you can free urself from being the "Biscuit" if one of the dices you throw is a 3... then the next person who throws a 3 becomes the Biscuit (that is only if you freed urself) and in turn, he has to drink each time someone else throws a 3 and can free himself if he throws one;..and so on.. if someone else throws a double 3, that makes two sips for you (cause there are two 3s)..

-if a dice falls off the table, the guy who threw it drinks a sip, if both are thrown of, he drinks two sips.

-if someone finnished the glass and didnt fill it up again and the guy after him played.. he drinks a sip

and the rest of the number combinations dont do anything... but dont worry there are often combinations for drinking or making someone drink.

in brief :
-one dice out of two makes a 3, you are the Biscuit (drink a sip each time someone throws a 3 and free yourself by making a 3)
-addition makes 7, last one to yell "Biscuit" with thumb on forhead drinks a sip.
-double numbers : distribute that number in any way you want to anyone (except yourself)
-double 1 : finnish the glass
-addition makes 11 : guy after you drinks a sip
-addition makes 9 : guy before drinks a sip
-dice fall off table : one sip per dice for the guy who threw them
-finished glass and didnt refill it although next guy plays : drink a sip.
-other combinations are worthless

yeah thats about it... i hope i made it "comprehensible" for you lol :grin:

EDIT: i replaces "gloogloo" with "biscuit" which is actually the real word... when i first wrote these rules i couldnt remember the right word for some reason, so i just put gloogloo instead which was wrong.
Reminds me a game I played with Corpsegrinder during last football world cup in Japan/Korea. Pick a team each time your team scores he had to drink a shot of vodka and vice versa. Can be brutal if you count that there were almost 3 games a day.

We also did the Madden Vodka challenge on PS2. Each TD = one shot; each field goal = 1/2 shot. Needless to say we finished the bottle and beer,... the night ended with us passed out on the carpet.