Drop D help please!

If you have a digital tuner this should be a piece of cake. The low E string is tuned down a whole step, to D. Fret the D on the A string (5th fret) to get the sound if you don't have a tuner.
Lightly tap the metal part of the 12th fret of the low-E string. This will ring out a bell-type sound (harmonic, in case you don't know) that you can use to tune to your d-string.

What I find to be the quickest way is to play your E string at the 7th fret and open A string then tune down E string until you get the same note
it works for me! i tune it an octave lower of course. i tune the low E to the D until the sound doesn't waver any more.
ranma187 said:
it works for me! i tune it an octave lower of course. i tune the low E to the D until the sound doesn't waver any more.

Ah. Muy intersante. I thought you just meant you tuned it and played it to the high D string. Silly me.
chris-o-fer said:
Here's an easy way:
1. BAR (place your finger) across fret 2 on E and fret 2 on A.
2. Strum
3. Tune your low E lower until the sound is the same on both 2nd frets (no waves)
Uh, no, that will turn out wrong. You don't want "the same sound" as in the same note. The A string should obviously be a 5th higher than the E, that's the entire point of using drop D tuning. My way of using open A string and 7th fret on E string means you will tune to the same note.
I disagree there's probly metal bands you know that play drop d and they are good bands. hell, some use 7 string guitars.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
just tune in D standard, drop D is for trendy fucks.
I really fail to see how using a different tuning could make the music any more trendy

I mean sure it makes it easier to play mindless chugga riffs but I've written some songs in drop D (because they used a lot of stuff in the key of D minor or so and it made it much easier) that I doubt you would find anywhere close to "trendy"