Drop G Rough Mix (S1.0/2.0, TSE X30, GH impulse, Pod Farm & Tech 21 for Bass)


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast

Hey guys. It's been a long time since I've seriously tried to mix anything, and this is my first real attempt wotking with ITB amp sims and impulses.

Drums are Superior 2.0, Though the Kick, Snare and a few cymbals are all samples from 1.0.

Guitars are TSE X30 with a Guitar Hack impulse I can't remember the name of, with an EQ plug on the guitar bus

Bass is 3 layers. Layer 1 being a Podxt Preset that I tracked with, layer 2 is Pod Farm, and layer 3 is a "reamp" sent through my Tech 21 VT Bass pedal. All 3 layers are dirty as fuck.

I'm mainly looking for a reality check. I've been fucking with this for too long and need someone with good ears to tell me what direction to take this in.

This is a really incomplete mix, but I'd like to get all the main tracks in the ballpark before I start on leads, vocals, and synths.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm triggering samples of the kick and snare tucked pretty far below the DFH tracks. Just single processed samples of the same drums I'm using in DFH.

Edit: Oh yea, I'm aware of the weird blast beat thing thats going on, but haven't bothered to mess with that yet. I have to adjust the sensitivity on aptrigga.
Sweet, thanks dude! Do the guitars sound okay? I pretty much suck at guitar tones, and I have a tendency to make my snares a bit dark. I don't trust my ears, haha.
I like the editing you did with the guitars, tone wise it sounds like they could use some more mids, beef 'em up a bit. You can hear a little harmonic in there too especially with the heavily edited part, might want to adjust the gain to try and get rid of that.
way better, just gotta work on those extra harmonics, unless that's what you're going for, to me it's not to enjoyable haha