Smoke On The Water cover (TSE X30, SD2.0 MF, Pod Farm)


Apr 3, 2008
Málaga, Spain
Hi guys,

After the mixing of my band EP some months ago, and saying multiple times... "i will never record/mix again"... here is a new mix :heh:

Its a cover of the well know song Smoke On The Water.
I dont have any sub and my monitors are small, so perheaps the bass zone are a bit fucked up. Doesn't have vocals yet.

The guitars are quadtracked, using the TSEX30 and catharsis impulses. Drums (except kick and snare) are SD Metal Foundry, and the bass is sampled, throught the POD Farm.

Hope you like it,
Cheers! :kickass:
Coooool!!! That is the best Smoke on the water parody I ever heard. Really cool. OK, it gets a little more serious after the beginning. But yes, really funny. Like a spy movie sound track. And then the guitar solo.... Great. :rock: :)

I've just updated the song, with some minor changes (raised the rhythm guitars a bit, tweaked the solo sound...).

haha, smokin' ;) Is that a hammond organ on that song?

Yeah, its a free hammond VSTI, called Organized Trio. Sounds fantastic, and emulates the hammond very well.

The kick its from a gog called DR's 18x22 DW Kick, and the snare... i just called it Snare 1, dont know where it comes from.
