Drop G#

Jul 7, 2009
FIXED URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1540346/Deliverance3.wav

Having issues with clipping on the toms... Can anyone point out the problem?

Also, not sure if this is commercial volume yet. Pretty sure it is, but if anyone else can confirm that'd be great. My ears are dead.

Clean vocals on the chorus are just scratch takes, so ignore the quality.

Anything else anyone hears would be great. Not sure how to get some high end fizz into this guitar tone, I need more of a natural feel above 5kHz but not sure how to achieve that using the Lecto.

Thanks guys,

Really nice. Everything sounds nicely balanced although sometimes the vocals feel a touch too loud. Also they are quite dry, but I can hear some verb when the other instruments are silent so you could try and make it cut through a bit more. I can't really hear any clipping on the toms at all.
Thanks a lot, and maybe I'm just mistaking the high end crackle on the toms for clipping.

Suggestions for beefing up the chorus vocals? Other than retracking haha. Need a way to widen and such, because we're already retracking vox since those were scratch to come up with the melodies.
I really like this, those are some sick breakdowns, and your guitars are really tight. But I agree with FTM. Vocals sound a bit too loud and could use more reverb, maybe a longer delay time. And I also didn't hear any clipping on the toms, the drums sounded good in general.
If you're trying to widen the vox in the chorus, try using a double plugin to fake some stereo image, or a pretty loud delay that's panned left and right. Also I can't tell in one listen how many vox parts there are there but you should play with panning them all around and shits
wow, this song is awesome.

the drums sound a bit generic, but they're well mixed (although maybe a bit quiet overall - this could be personal taste), i can't hear any clipping on the toms, either.

i don't think the vocals are too loud, but they singing parts are annoyingly out of tune (i can let it slide if they're scratch takes ;) ). if you're looking to make the chorus wider, then a mono to stereo plugin of some sort will work really well (perhaps even a light chorus effect), combined with a reverb fairly low down in the mix is what i'd do!

this is an awesome band, and this is a well good recording!

Thanks a lot! It's actually me and one other guy, the vocalist.

Also, what's a good double plugin for Mac? Free preferably.