Drowning Pool

Judging from the people who post here, and the type of music everyone here listens to (which is mostly underground metal) It doesn not suprise me that most people dont give a shit, and if you actually expected people too, well then sorry. Its like if someone posted "Rapper Nelly Died" I would be like ok thats sad and people should not have to meet an untimely end, but I honestly wouldnt give a shit. Same goes for the singer of Shit Pool, its sad, but I dont even know any Nu Metal fans who even gave a shit about that putrid band, let alonf underground metal fans. *shrugs*
Drowning Pool's...who needs em...there singer...who cares, Chuck is a legend...too bad to I was young to enjoy death when he was still healthy (pre- sound of perseverance) , the drowning pool guy is just another victim, hell aalyia's (or however u spelled her name) death phased me more...
Ps...jesus christ stop slagging off the dead you guys!!

Drowning Pool isn't even near as bad as you all think they are, and I never even liked them much. I acknowledge that as far as Nu-Metal goes they aren't half bad. You don't have to rub into the lead singers face the fact that he is dead...