Drudkh - Handful Of Stars

I find the fact the people defend this utterly fucking boring and shitty band humorous, so please continue.

Ok. The clear appeal to the American Apparel-clad crowd on Drudkh's Handful of Stars is nothing if not refreshing. Gone are the overwrought compositional tendencies that characterized their early work and in their place we have a straightforward if ironic sense of sonic nostalgia; this isn't metal, this is "metal" in the same way post-punk is "punk". Of course the, sweaterlord, keyboard warriors who call themselves metal fans are going to hate it, but that is part of the point.

In all seriousness, I do think it is a good record, a tad too repetitious perhaps, but meaningful in its own way. Attaching the Drudkh name to this release is going to piss off the base no doubt, but diehard fans sometimes have difficulty looking past their own expectations anyways, so fuck them.
I dunno, with Estrangement I kinda lost interest, I just didn't think it was a particularly good album, it didn't have the repeptetive Burzum-esque "autumn haze" feel of their earlier releases. I did really like Blood in Our Wells though, that one was far less minimalistic but still had the right vibes for me. Didn't check out Microcosmos when it came out either, just tried listening to a bit of both albums on spotify and it sounded a bit meh.
What I find hilarious is most people trashing this new album as boring and repetitive are probably clutching the latest Archgoat and Black Witchery releases close to their chest - hailing them as innovative and imporant :u-huh:
Drudkh is actually an amazing band, fuck the haters. But I honestly can't take more than a couple songs of the newest album. Sorry guys.
Just listened to it. Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come- I'm a big fan of pretty much the rest of their catalog.