Drudkh question


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
I've done a little bit of searching on Google and stuff and have found no pictures of Drudkh or interviews with the members of the band. I've found stuff on Hate Forest, but nothing on Drudkh.

anybody know why? (besides the possibility of them trying to elevate their kvlt status)
I've got stuff about them in russian... Dont tell me I have to translate it...
PS: Im working on translating the lyrics you've showed me.
PPS: It comes out difficult for me as its in fucking ancient ukrainian and there are some words that I dont know, LOL. So i have to translate them in russian and then in english.

edit: about pics and interviews - there are not much of it in general (at least i havent seen any and ppl say that Drudkh act pretty secretly).
yeah I saw that. I don't know...I think it'd be cool to see an interview to gain some insight into their views and opinions.

oh well
Ok, here you go. The most fave song by Drudkh.
The lyrics of this song is a poem by some famous ukr. poet. (1908).
So the text is a lil "weird" and might sound gay.
I also had to replace phrases, as different languages = different sentence building.

When The Flame Turns To Ashes
Lyrics by great ukrainian poet Olexandr Oles'

Колись здавався ти мені орлом підтятим
І в полі кинутим в агонії сконать...
Очима стежишь ти за ворогом проклятим,
Що хтів тебе ногою розтоптать.

Ти гнівом дишеш і гориш, а не конаєш...
Щоб впитись, шарпаєш кігтями по землі,
Одним крилом граків ти відбиваєш
І сам лежиш на зламанім крилі...

Колись здававсь мені ти лицарем прекрасним,
Що ліг в степу на камені спочить...
Ти важко спиш і мариш боєм щасним,
А ворог твій змією вже сичить...

Народе мій! І ти - орел, вночі підтятий,
І чом не лицар ти, захоплений в полон?!
О орле мій, мій велетню крилатий,
О лицар мій, покараний за сон!..

Чому ж ти, орле мій, з орлами не літаєш,
А крила веслами волочиш по землі?!
Чому ж ти, лицар мій, на герць не виступаєш,
А вітром жалібно голосиш на ріллі?!

І що орел, коли його орлина зграя
Не рве з землі в блакить ясного дня,
І що за лицар ти з усмішкою льокая,
Без гордих дум, без честі і ім'я?!

When The Flame Turns To Ashes

Formerly you seemed to me like a wounded eagle
That has been left in agony to die...
Your eyes are watching the damned enemy
Who wanted to trample you with their feet.

You're breathing with anger and burning, but not dying...
To dig you're shuffling ground with your claws,
With one wing you're beating off the rooks
And laying on the other one, thats' broken...

Formerly you seemed to me like a stately knight,
Who lay in steppe to rest on the stone...
You're hardly sleeping and delirious about the ruthless battle,
While your enemy is hissing like a snake...

My nation! And you - an eagle, that has been wounded at the night,
Why aren't you a knight, who has been captured?
Oh my eagle, my winged giant,
Oh my knight, who has been punished for the sleep!..

Why on earth, my eagle, don't you fly with eagles,
But dragging wings, as oars, by the ground?!
Why on earth, my knight, don't you go into action,
But such a wind, you're plaintively crying in the tillage?!

So what is an eagle, if his flock
Doesn't pluck from the earth into the blue of serene day,
And what kind of knight are you with smile of servant,
Without proud thoughts, without a honour and a name?!
unknown said:
yeah I saw that. I don't know...I think it'd be cool to see an interview to gain some insight into their views and opinions.

theyre nazis like every ukrainian black metal band
MetalNoob said:
Drudkh has the best black metal release of this year imo. I wouldn't be suprised if something isn't out there.

You need to listen to the new releases of: Negative Plane, Forest of Fog, Arcane Necrosis, Hellveto (3 releases this year alone), Mirrorthrone, and Morrigan before claiming Drudkh the best :) They all have killer releases, NP, FOF, and MT are even on my top 10 of this year so far.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Arcane Necrosis

I'm a bit meh on this MCD. I've had the demo for over a year and there's only a small amount of new content on this release, so it's a 2005 release as far as I'm concerned.