Drum Bus Parallel Compressor Shoot-out

Which is your favourite?

  • A

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • B

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • C

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • D

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • E

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • F

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I started a mix the other day, and I was demoing different drum compressors in parallel for my own benefit. Since I already had the files exported to test myself and the artist, I thought I'd share it with you as well.

The contenders are mostly plug-ins, because I'm already using a ton of hardware on the drums.

Contenders are:

No parallel compression
Duende SSL Bus Compressor
Overstayer Stereo Compressor
The Glue
The Rocket

Here's the file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/Forum/Shoot-outs/Drumbus Parallel Compressor Shoot-out Blind.rar


PS. The mix is barely just started, so don't expect something 'final' sounding. It's a good reference on how they sound as you're building tracks.
Sorry, the thread was obviously posted before I finalized the poll listings, then changed the file link. Didn't realize this forum posted threads before everything was finalized.

Anyway, it should be working now.
It's parallel compression applied to just the shells. I have a separate drum bus for shells only, and that's being sent to the compressors. Cymbals are unaffected.

The snare, individually, is being parallel compressed in every clip with a Distressor.
It's parallel compression applied to just the shells. I have a separate drum bus for shells only, and that's being sent to the compressors. Cymbals are unaffected.

The snare, individually, is being parallel compressed in every clip with a Distressor.

OK. cool.. Not wishing to get sidetracked, but would you personally have a bus compressor on the drum bus ( shells ) as well as parallel?


downloaded fine. will have to wait till I get home to listen

Seems to be no consensus so far! The votes are pretty evenly distributed.

Above all this might be telling us that you can use just about anything in parallel, as long as you do it subtly, haha.

I'll release the results in a day or so, after a few more votes come in.
Not hearing much difference on phones here. Gonna say D for me. The snare seems to cut through a little more and have a bit more "suck" to the tail.
I liked D the best for the same reason drew drummer pointed out but it was very hard for me to hear any difference at all.
I'm anxious to know which clip the unprocessed one is because I thought I could pick that one relatively easy - apparently not the case.

thanks for doing this ermz
Pretty difficult choice, some of them work best on snares, and some others on the kick. It´s very subtle though. I´m loving the snare Rverb, can you tell us a little about that? (sorry for the off-topic question)
Here are the answers:

A = Decapitator
B = Duende
C = No parallel compression
D = Overstayer
E = The Glue
F = The Rocket

Seems at this point that it's a shoot-out between nothing and the hardware Overstayer. Given the responses though I suppose a lot of these are interchangeable, and what most people listen for is attack and clarity, which of course the no para comp version will have the most of.
thanks for the results!

Given the responses though I suppose a lot of these are interchangeable, and what most people listen for is attack and clarity, which of course the no para comp version will have the most of.

well, what are you usually listening for with parallel compression?
^ additional thickness, thump and for lack of a better word, a "sticky" quality. It just adds a subtle extra punch to the overall sound when done right


I've experimented a lot with parallel comp and to be honest, so far I've found I like it better when I don't

I'm also probably doing it wrong or maybe I just haven't hit that sweet spot. I think it can be a lot like reverbs ... very easy to overdo and not realize it until everything sounds too mushy
This is what I have found with my own work lately. I jumped on the parallel compression bus (pun intended :p) a while back. And I liked what I was getting. But lately, I'm finding I like things more WITHOUT parallel compression, or when it's just used very, very subtly.