Drum help please!!


Sep 2, 2008
Miami, Fl
Hey everyone, longtime lurker (i've learned ALOT from these boards) but i had to join today seeing as i ran into a bit of a problem and i knew this was the place to turn. Ive been recording bands for a while now but i have to be honest, im a complete nood when it comes to midi. Now i have this band that came to me and gave me a midi drum track that they made on tabit and want to use that in their mix.

Well i looked a few things up and i eventually got the midi file into reason (v.4.0) but from there on i have no idea what to do. Basically my question is, how do i do something as simple as control the levels of each drum? and is it possible to substitute the shitty reason samples for the much better samples i have (most of which ive gotten here)? Thanks in advance for any help guys.
In order to use the samples you've got from here,.. I'd first off read the sticky which is on the Production Tips front page.

Secondly, you'll need to put the midi file into a sequencer - and use something like DFH or BFD to play the midi file through, so you get the sound of drums from the midi track.
Then you can have a lot more control within the sequencer with regards to EQ.

You could do it in reason,.. but unless you have no other choice - It's not my first port of call.
Thanks dude, yea ive read the sticky and im more than familiar with using the samples to replace drums within pro tools but im completely new to reason, and unfortunatly its all i have right now.