Drum Machines


Feb 22, 2007
I have 0 knowledge about drum machines, so if I say anything obscenely stupid, I apologize in advance.

Basically I'm looking for a drum machine program to fool around with (I'm assuming there are programs that do the same thing as an actual physical drum machine). Are there any free programs that are easy to use and give you a lot of flexibility? And if not, whats the best free program out there?
Mine goes by the name of Joe, but hes not always easy to use... :lol:

Seriously, I find it very interesting what I have heard people put together with drum machines and programs but am clueless myself. I dont think I'd have the patience to figure them out either. So Joes gonna have to do. I feel lucky to have had two drummers as close friends throughout my life. I never liked playing without drums and lost interest a few times due to it.
I'll try and find out what my friend has, but it sure as hell ain't free...amazing program, though...lets you select from all sorts of drumsets n stuff, and futz with every aspect of the sound. While some say that live drums are always better, I gotta say, this thing sounds like extremely well recorded live drums...
You're probably talking about Drum Kit From Hell. That stuff is AWESOME. I use EZDrummer DKFH edition and its only a fraction as powerful as the real DKFH:S. The sound is incredible.

I program drums with guitar pro and then render then with EZdrummer.