Drum mix for future recording project


New Metal Member
May 1, 2009
Hi, Looking for a few pointers/verdicts on the drum sound in this mix. This is the first part of a 13 minute song we'll be using for label submission.

All guitars are very rough guides at the moment so please excuse the mistakes, bass and vocals will be completed soon.

Mix with rough guitars: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1069461/part 1.mp3

Drum mix only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1069461/part 1 drums.mp3 (the drummer tracked this himself)

The plan is to keep the mix as natural sounding as possible (i.e Neurosis) but I may end up replacing some of the drums sounds to achieve what we're looking for.

Once the track is completed in a couple of weeks it's off to Billy Anderson for mastering so all crticism positive or negative welcome.
