Drum programmers looking for beer money!


Metal from the Heartland
Jun 28, 2007
Topeka, KS
I need some drums programmed for an old song I'm working on and I have not mastered the art so I'm throwing it out for anyone with skills or maybe even trying to practice their skills. I have the original drum files (kick, snare, toms and overheads as well as a combined stereo file) that you can use, although they were not played to a click and therefore drift quite a bit. Whomever's drums sound the most realistic and I end up using I will paypal you 10 bucks to grab a pale ale or 2 on me.

I am hoping to get both a stereo wav file of the final product and the midi file (in case I need to go in and tweak it later and hopefully to learn from). Not sure if it matters, but I have SSD 3.0 and EZ Drummer and access to Superior 2.0 on a friend's machine.

The drum file zip is at http://www.sendspace.com/file/q5sce7. Don't feel like you have to stick to the original 100%, if you feel like there is something cooler you can add, feel free to throw it in there. I'd like the tempo to stay close (I would guess somewhere between 115 and 118).

As an aside, I actually have about 11 or 12 more songs that I will want done over the next few months, so this could be a recurring job if you want it.

Thanks guys.
I was down to do some programming so I downloaded your 100MB file. The thing is, these files are kinda useless unless you want me confined. Do you have at least a guitar track recorded to a metronome? It would be better to have whatever you've got so far MINUS drums.
I was down to do some programming so I downloaded your 100MB file. The thing is, these files are kinda useless unless you want me confined. Do you have at least a guitar track recorded to a metronome? It would be better to have whatever you've got so far MINUS drums.

I don't but I will upload a rough (stressing ROUGH) version of the this tune with the guitars and vocals in it so you can check out the vibe. Stand by.

EDIT: I have to dig it out so it will be posted tomorrow. Thanks!
Yes, that would be great! Please play tight so I can give you my best.

I think you misunderstood...I'm giving you an OLD version that IS NOT TIGHT, but it's all I have for now just so you can get a feel for the song. I actually think I have two versions and maybe one is closer to a steady tempo than the other (it's to a different drummer). I will upload both. If you can't do anything with it or don't want to mess with it that is ok.

It (they) will be up within the hour.

This is mostly just a test to see if this is going to work for me (never had programmed drums before...always a real drummer). The rest of the songs I will provide "the drummer" a demo version and then a scratch guitar track played to a click to play to. If we have to redo this song later I will do that also and re-pay for it.

I think you misunderstood...

I understood fine. The thing is, I'm down to program my ass off, but not if you can't make the effort to record a tight track for me. If that's not possible, I understand. I love helping people out, but sometimes you gotta meet half-way when you need a favor.:)
I understood fine. The thing is, I'm down to program my ass off, but not if you can't make the effort to record a tight track for me. If that's not possible, I understand. I love helping people out, but sometimes you gotta meet half-way when you need a favor.:)

It's cool man, I was just saying I don't have anything tight and I'm not anywhere near my pc until the weekend which is when I'm going to record, so that's why I told you not to sweat doing it because I knew you didn't want to work with the crappy files I have. I wouldn't want to do it either. Going forward I intend to do it the way you are talking about, but I thought since I had a recording session scheduled for the weekend when I get back, I would just throw this out there as a test for anyone who wanted to take a shot at it and see if it would work. I've never played to programmed drums, never used program drums and don't know how to even program drums except in a very basic sort of way, so I just want to see how it all works.

I appreciate that you like to help folks, that's very cool of you. I've done about 15 vocal tracks for people on the board for the same reason. This is a great community for things like that! :kickass:
here's a quick track I recorded with Jamstix 2 and Slate's Thick Metal Kit:

It's not processed at all, just to get your feedback. In case you like I can send you the MIDI file.

Cool, I will grab the file and check it out. I only have a crappy laptop with me, but I will be able to really listen Friday night. Even if I don't use it thanks for taking the time to throw down on it, I really appreciate it!
I want to give it a try too, but only if you can provide us with a drumless version with guitars recorded to a click track, like you said.

Edit : hehe first post (been reading for the past few weeks)
rvs0002, is it really that hard or are you just a busy person?

Not sure WTF you are talking about. Number one, yes, I am a very busy person. Besides my full time job I actually have 4 projects going on right now. It's cool though, that's how I like it. I'm a workaholic...always have been.

Number two, I stated:

I was just saying I don't have anything tight and I'm not anywhere near my pc until the weekend which is when I'm going to record, so that's why I told you not to sweat doing it because I knew you didn't want to work with the crappy files I have. I wouldn't want to do it either. Going forward I intend to do it the way you are talking about, but I thought since I had a recording session scheduled for the weekend when I get back, I would just throw this out there as a test for anyone who wanted to take a shot at it and see if it would work. I've never played to programmed drums, never used program drums and don't know how to even program drums except in a very basic sort of way, so I just want to see how it all works.

I simply threw this song out there just to see if anyone was interested in f**king around with it, and if not it's all good, don't jack with it. I've had a couple guys already send stuff and it's been cool to hear what they came up with. If you want to give it a shot go for it, and if you don't want to I'm ok with that too.

Don't want to be a dick about it because this was just supposed to be a "do it if you want to" type of thing and I said up front that I didn't have good tracks to work from on this particular song, just thought I would throw it out there because some guys like a challenge and some just like to dick around with stuff like this. I've had plenty of folks ask me to do vox and given me scratch demos that were not the final tracks and I just did it for them because I like to help out and I told them if I need to change something later for them I'd be glad to do that. I've learned a lot from the guys on here and it's really the only way I have to give back so I do it. Have all the songs I did been good (or usable)? Nope. But they asked so I gave it a shot and did what I could to help out using what they gave me.

Lastly (because this is more than I've typed in all my posts put together I think), in the zip file I posted there is a version with no drums and should fall in line to a 120bpm click, so I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for other than a final finished track which I don't have.

Hope that answers your question because I'm not sure what you meant by it.