Midi drum question......

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
I have searched but I am having a real issue figuring this out. I have read about people loading the midi files from GuitarPro to help them get a better feel for the dynamics of doing drums. Well, when I imported the midi file into Logic Pro 7 and brought addictive drums up as my vst instrument, all the hits were all weird and not on the right kit piece. Is there anyway to work around this without having to rearrange the middle file to where its right? If not then I might as well program the drums like I have been.
Thanks guys,
You are getting this issue because the mapping of Addictive Drums is different than standard GM Midi mapping (which is supported by Guitar Pro and VSTi EZDrummer for instance) I think the easiest thing to do is programming drums from scratch in Logic, you have more control over the samples then too :) Good luck!