Drum programming?


Sep 6, 2007
Lubbock, TX
I know this may not be the right forum, but seeing as there's alot of drum stickies i figured I might as well post here. Im looking for a drum program, im wondering what the consensus is, im thinking superior 2.0 and ap trigga. What do you guys think?:Smokin:
You will probably get a lot of people saying Search, which is probably your best bet, but it depends what you are looking for. If you are interested in recording your own drums and then sample replacing elements of the kit (snare + kick for example) then drumagog/aptrigga is a good bet combined with maybe Slate Drum Samples (or theres loads of free samples on this forum). If, on the other hand you are just a bedroom recorder and don't have access to a kit then yes Superior 2.0 is a great choice, also check out XLN Addictive Drums and if you can pick up a cheap copy the old discontinued version of DFH Superior is also good. I'd avoid EZDrummer and DFH expansion - I've been working with that for about 6 months now and its an uphill struggle to get a good sound out of it.
Yeah, i have searched. Most of the info is about replacement, samples and such, while i do want ap trigga for replacing and maybe some slate samples, I'm mainly looking to see what people use for straight bedroom drum programming. I don't know whether i should paste samples to the grid in pro tools or write it in midi. I know theres alot of options and I just want to know what everyone would recommend to someone with no programming or midi experience. BTW, i have pro tools and logic 8 express. Thanks, Mark.
Yeah, i have searched. Most of the info is about replacement, samples and such, while i do want ap trigga for replacing and maybe some slate samples, I'm mainly looking to see what people use for straight bedroom drum programming. I don't know whether i should paste samples to the grid in pro tools or write it in midi. I know theres alot of options and I just want to know what everyone would recommend to someone with no programming or midi experience. BTW, i have pro tools and logic 8 express. Thanks, Mark.

Oh hell, do it in Midi definitely and let a sampler take the strain of the sounds. You can't really go wrong with the three programs I mentioned.
Imo Ezdrummer aint that bad. I use the DFH one and all i do is replace the snare and kick then everything else is stock i mess around with waves reverb and compression on the toms , the room mic setting is usualy pretty high and i think it sounds pretty sweet for what it is, Also VERY user friendly...Something to take into consideration if you asking what id recomend to someone with no midi editing experience.
Imo Ezdrummer aint that bad. I use the DFH one and all i do is replace the snare and kick then everything else is stock i mess around with waves reverb and compression on the toms , the room mic setting is usualy pretty high and i think it sounds pretty sweet for what it is, Also VERY user friendly...Something to take into consideration if you asking what id recomend to someone with no midi editing experience.

I agree with wyllie, if I had a decent way of replacing the snare and kick then EZdrummer + DFH would be fine, the toms and cymbals are ace. I know the Sonor Toms are also available in DFHS so thats whats I've just picked up.
I like using the snare and bassdrum from the Pop/Rock kit and the rest from the DFH kit in EZDrummer..
so, after searching and reading, I have come to a decision. I think im going to purchase ez drummer, slate 2.0 le, and ap trigga. I can use slate samples in ez drummer correct? This seems to be the most cost effective route. Thanks, Mark.
so, after searching and reading, I have come to a decision. I think im going to purchase ez drummer, slate 2.0 le, and ap trigga. I can use slate samples in ez drummer correct? This seems to be the most cost effective route. Thanks, Mark.

I dont think you can upload your own samples into ezdrummer. I used it for a little while and could never upload my own, but you can use aptrigga to replace the kick, snare, and toms.
in all honesty, i prefer the sounds of the actual drums with the EZD pop/rock kit, but the cymbals in the DKFH expansion are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better

DKFH + kick/snare/tom replacement is how i usually get shit done
I am gonna say try addictive drums. I absolutely love it. and if I need a new sound I can just sound replace the snare or kick if i want, but for the most part I really like the sounds it comes with.
+1 on Addictive Drums. I was all about EZ Drummer when I got it but to get sounds like DFHS/Slate out of it takes more work than just using Slate samples alone. Addictive has much more potential IMO. I've got a somewhat outdated comparison of EZ Drummer /Addictive Drums on my website if you want a quick overview of the differences. I've been meaning to expand and refine that page for a while but for some reason, every time I load Addictive to render a clip, I start jamming something fierce... thanks to another forum members outstanding preset!

can you use any of these samples outside their host program?

Currently there is now way that I or google know of to use EZ Drummer or Addictive Drums samples out side of each respective program because they are encoded/encrypted for that very reason. Soon there will be a conversion app I'm sure. It'll probably start out freeware and get popular, then the po-po's will come a knockin then Toontrack or somebody will sue the author, take his program and sell it.

FWIW I am not Nostradamus
i'm pretty sure that you could load ezdrummer samples into another program if you really wanted to, as each component of the kit installs into its own folder

to be honest, though, i'm not really sure why you'd want to go to all that trouble
I would like to save as much money as possible, i want the samples for replacing real drums, and the program to make my own. Thats why i was thinking ezdrummer with no expansion the new slate le samples and aptrigga, it seemed the most cost effective route to cover both angles.
yea, if you're just doing sample replacement, and not actually programming, just get the slate stuff and be done with it