Drum Reverb sounds weird

Apr 14, 2010
I've known this forever but now a certain thing really bugs me when working with drums and reverb.

I can't really explain what it is that's annoying me but here's an example:


it's a hall reverb patch with about 11ms predelay.
there's no dry tracks of toms and snare in it, just the reverb in solo.

to me this doesn't sound normal because there's this weird metallic sound.
I've tried quite a few different presets but all of them more or less have this kind of sound to them.
is this coming from the transients?

maybe this is normal but I can't figure out the parameter to adjust that part of the reverb that producing this sound.

however, maybe it's normal, I have no idea.

thanks for your help.
Did you do the following process :

1 - Created an FX track
2 - Set the "wet" parameter to 100%
3 - sent the reverb to the drum buss, and the snare if needed

Try using an IR verb

yeah it sounds different with IR's so I might refrain from using algorhythmic verbs for drums.
do you use IR's only for drums?

Try turning the early reflection completely off. That's what I do when I put reverb on drums.

that did improve it. might be a workaround although it changes the sound.

sounds like a lot of algothrithmic reverbs to me!

demo'ed valhalla room, that's where it's from.

Did you do the following process :

1 - Created an FX track
2 - Set the "wet" parameter to 100%
3 - sent the reverb to the drum buss, and the snare if needed


yes, that's what I did.
what reverb-plug is this? does it have some kind of "damping"-control? if yes, play around with that parameter (you may have to increase the room-size afterwards to get a similar but more controlled reverb)

what reverb-plug is this? does it have some kind of "damping"-control? if yes, play around with that parameter (you may have to increase the room-size afterwards to get a similar but more controlled reverb)


it's the demo of valhalla room which get's pretty rave reviews as far as I can tell.
Nope, just the ol' EpicVerb. Sounds a bit warmer than most algo verbs and has the look and feel of an analog unit, not just a "preset loading window".
Don't really care about the mentioned artifacts, as long as I get my depth and you don't hear them in the mix. For "fake room" sounds of course you need to use an IR verb, but you can download IRs of the Bricasti M7 freely on the net, so I use those with the Steinberg verb sometimes.

alright thanks man and I agree that those artifacts are neglectable in the mix.