Hi, does anyone have some snares(for metal music) that are already compressed and can be easily put in a mix ? Without huge amounts of reverb.
Something like the "the best kick drum in the world" posted by user Kaomao.That was fantastic, with minimal tweaking I could easily put it in a song and it sounded great !
Hello everyone,

I didnt go through all this samples and lots of them are down anyway but does anyone have a sample for a typical fat 80's Snare? Like Mötley Crue, Scorpions, Running Wild and and basically every other Heavy Metal Band from the 80's?

Or do you know which drum machine was used at that time to produce this sound.

Im not satisfied with the samples i tried so far. Even with hell of gated Reverb and shit

its a shame literally every single link is dead, nice effort though guys, would be nice to make a new sticky with all links working
it would be great to have like a big torrent file or ftp sever, or anything where we can share drum samples.
all the links on page one is dead, it would have been awesome to have some of andy's samples...
some people wrote they have many gbs of drum samples, so let's make an effort to share with each other!
Someone had the idea of making a dropbox account of forum samples, I think that would be a great idea considering none of these ones work...
random question: did sturgis use any slate kick samples while producing For The Fallen Dreams' new album>?

I'm sure he did.

It was probably Slate Kick 10 and Snare 12.

The kick sounds like it has a bit of processing on it though.

I think the unprocessed version is apparent in We Came As Roman's new album.

But I dunno. :P