drum samples


New Metal Member
Dec 1, 2005
hej guys ,

This might be a stupid question, but i downloaded a couple of kick samples from this forum a couple of weeks ago. But desaster struck and i suffered a HD crash losing all of them.

I've been searching my ass off trying to relocate the samples, but without luck. Can someone help me trying to locate the samples again.


Jezeke :Smokin:
I believe i found them on a page where a lot of kick/snare samples where grouped. Kind of like one of those stickys... The sample i am specifically searching for is a sample with a extensive low end, and some klick into it, but not to much.... Hope this is more specific, but i wasnt paying too much attention on where i found it at the time.
go to the Sneap FTP sticky thread. there's a link there to a current FTP where users have a bunch of things uploaded. I think there might be some samples there.
I found the thread in which i believe to have found the samples, but i dont seem to be able to download the most of them, a few links seem to work, both the most of them dont. here's the link to the thread i found: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/andy-sneap/311618-drum-samples-meta.html

when i go to the thread, and select a link, i go to the thread in which the samples are, i right click and choose save target as... but then i get a notification that file isnt available...

Is this because these are old threads, and the files are down or something like that?

advice is highly appreciated
I think the Main Sneap Forum FTP is down at the moment. I know though that Andy's own Drum samples are still ok to download, as is 'The Best Kick in the World', and the Chimera Toms amongst a couple others.
Damn. I like those kick as well, but there not quite the thing i need for this project i'm working on. Anyone knows some other good places to find kick samples, or when the ftp will be up again.

Victory!! I found the kick i was looking for!! It was the brain kick!
Thanx to all who helped me find it... The help is very much appreciated.
